Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

I love that you're doing this. It catches me up on great (and often hilarious) conversations that I wish I'd seen and participated in.

Rereading our exchanges here made them somehow even FUNNIER, which is no small feat given how hard I was laughing in real time. Having them all gathered together just made the hilarity build exponentially. 🤣

I usually read and post via browser, but I'm reading this now in the app, which is a very different experience.

When I scrolled down from "I'm not bipolar."




"That I know of."




To reveal screen-width Pencil Face leering at me, I started laughing so hard I was crying.

So much great stuff in here, and posts I now need to go back and check out. Thank you. ♥

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DYING!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I wish you could see how R gives me the side eye when I start laughing like that.

It's like he's afraid to turn his full gaze on me, because he might get sucked into the vortex of shrieking, bibbling cray. 🤣🤣🤣

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

Same here! I wonder why I sometimes don't get some of these on my feed...

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Not sure! That's strange.

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It is strange around here allright!!! 😂😂

Not sure why that made me snarf .. sometimes I think if I stop laughing at shit, I won't be anle to stop that, as you call it, face- hole leaking!!!

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Jul 16Liked by The Starfire Codes

I haven't forgotten about Hawk Tuah.

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Jul 16Liked by The Starfire Codes

“[NOTE: Not everyone has an internal monologue. This was an interesting article that came out about that at the beginning of 2020.”

This was a fascinating article. Are most of the people around us just NPCs? Is that why some people can’t stand to be alone?

I had a lisp when I was in the second grade or so, and I still will hear the lisp in my inner monologue unless I physically press my tongue against my teeth to enunciate properly.

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I'm not sure why it is, but it's super interesting. The people who said they didn't have an inner monologue told me that they think mainly visually. All in images. I couldn't do that. My mind is enamored with English.

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

I took a quick look at this last year: https://ratsays.substack.com/p/internal-monologue

The study behind these internal monologue claims was done in China.

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Love these scrolls! Thanks so much for including my note from today, sister! 🦙✨💖🌟🤍🦙

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Of course!! ❤️

Awww!!! Alpacamojis!! ❤️

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I think I’ll be looking for ways to use them more regularly! 😂😂😂

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How are there no marshmallow emojis?!?! 🤣

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These are as close as it gets.

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What if I wanna make s'mores?!?! 🥰

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes


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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes
Jul 16Liked by The Starfire Codes

You're welcome always God bless you and your family

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Jul 18Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thanks for including me. I feel seen! Yay. Been a strange time for me but getting weirder so that's nice.

You might like today's post from Naomi Wolf, who's husband, like yours, is in the shooting activity. Detailed analysis from the perspective of a participant at many events where secretive disservice was in charge of secrecy and pretence of protection. Worth a close read.

There's a video just dropped somewhere on Twitter showing a top view of the head coordinated with the Trump speaking video. At the end it shows the path of the bullet if he had not turned his head, followed by the path when he did. Seems like advanced algorithms of a large language model were used to generate the wireframe model. (It is not artificial "intelligence" and isn't going to ever be self aware, friends.)

There is always a reticence on the part of actual combat veterans, qualified marksmen, and people who have touched the elephant as we used to say, to talk about this stuff as if it were a good idea to speak offhandedly about life and death matters. It isn't. And people who have never been in combat, never been under fire, never secured a post, never stood a watch, don't understand. It takes maybe one or two conversations with mundanes about what is involved and a man just shuts the f##k up. People have no idea what comes back for the wars their politicians profit from, and the day they begin to find out they don't react well. And days are coming when a great many men, women, and children are going to see with their own eyes what it is like, not on some screen, not from thousands of miles away, but here, in our towns, in our neighbourhoods.

There was a time when I lamented that fact. But that was a long time ago, in another country, "in my salad days when I was green in judgement." I have seen what I have seen, and dealt with the harsh realities of this world line and its ongoing war against evil. Buckle up. Storm's coming.

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I prefer when they talk about it. It makes me feel better that someone understands it. I don't want to pretend not to know. And I think it's awful that they feel like they can't talk because no one understands. That's one of the worst feelings in the world, having to shoulder something big like that alone.

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Jul 18Liked by The Starfire Codes

Doestoevsky once wrote, "Men are such scoundrels. We can get used to anything."

But, yeah, there is a certain type of difficulty you encounter at the veteran hospitals and where those men who have seen more than enough go, where they can talk about things with one another. A person without that experience walks in and mouths snap shut, heads turn to watch, and there's a general intake of beverages while it is worked out what sort of person has come within earshot of the conversation.

Combat veterans talk to one another. We don't talk to just anyone because that doesn't often work. Getting someone who has been through the trauma of a firefight, of close action fighting, and knows it isn't remote but ubiquitous, to open up? That takes a lot of love. And there aren't that many people who have learnt the paths of love.

"It's cold out there, and I don't wanna get left."

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Fun to scroll down and peruse your exchanges! 👍

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Thank you so much!! <3

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thanks for the mention!! 🙌🩷

Have a most awesome day!!!

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You too!! 🙏🏻❤️

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thanks!! Been looking for cute Llamas and Alpacas .. can't get that freaky image from that dog with wig and pink face mask out of my brain... talk about CRINGE!!!!

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Bahahahahaha!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Why do people do this shit???!!!! Don't they know I'm drinking coffee??!!!

Sadistic bastards!


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"Paranoia" is one of the biggest propaganda words of our time. It goes right in along with "wellness check" and, indeed, "conspiracy theorist." One can literally have a piece of paper that says "You vs. Them" on a legal form, and they will call you "paranoid" for saying someone was working against you. It's like, "Uhh . . . so 'paranoid' means acknowledging conflict?"

I once had a boss in editing who was talking about an editor of a sister project she also worked on, and he talked about how he would try to like, fix some mistake or style difference he was having, and she said, to me, in explaining it, "There is no try!" I always remembered that.

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I agree about "paranoid." It's a gaslighting word. Even if you were legitimately paranoid, no one who cares about you would ever call you paranoid. They would address it in a way that makes you feel safe to exist. So, even the fact that he used it in that way shows that he couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about the humanity of someone who just had an attack on his life. What does that say about him?

I would reverse this: There is only try. We all keep trying until it's at least good enough, if not awesome, and then we move on to the next thing. If you don't keep trying, you can neither learn nor succeed.

I've always disliked the way this line reeks of an unattainable perfectionism (perfectionism is asymptotic), but I suppose it was characteristic of his guilt about Vader, it's his ego creeping in to take ownership of a problem he didn't see or create because he feels like it happened on his watch. Sure, leadership means a certain level of ownership, but not to the point of self-victimization. That ownership is supposed to make you feel committed to coming up with a solution, not prone to abandoning hope. But Episode 4 is literally called A New Hope. Meaning they had none prior to that.

It's definitely no way to live - and the fact that people have morphed this into some kind of persistent "life advice" shows that they don't know you have to keep failing and making mistakes in order to learn. People are taught to fear error, to think that error tarnishes credibility. Error only tarnishes people who absorb error into the ego, not people who do not develop an ego attachment to error. People who don't do that are just genuinely looking for ways to correct it and make things better. That's honorable. It's also faster because you don't have to keep getting out of your own way.

But this? That's not someone who ultimately DOES. That's someone who victimizes themselves in hiding resenting the fact that they thought they couldn't get it right on the first shot and gave up.

That's some massive ego to think you're going to get everything right on the first try, no? Or that you're responsible for everyone else's screw ups to the point where you feel like you should quit? No. We practice, we learn, we grow, and we get there. :)

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

Yes, it's such a gaslighting word. It implies that they know more than you do about a very personal situation, usually. It's like, "And they prescribe me drugs, too?"

You make an interesting point, and I've thought about that. Perceptually, it's always Try, I would say, and in effect, it's always Did or Didn't. Perhaps they're mixing up their categories. Carol Dweck would like your stance, lol. So would Tony Robbins, with his Ultimate Success Formula!

Yeah, I totally get it. I think Yoda's focus to me was more, "At the end of the day, it only counts if you get it right, not if you tried, because the stakes are higher, Here," but as you say, especially when he's learning, that's a tough threshold.

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Yeah, no pressure or anything, pal! 🤣🤣🤣

It's no way to motivate someone.... "The fate of the world depends on you... don't fuck it up or anything, kiddo...." 🤣🤣🤣

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“I’m gonna get so good, that targeting computer can kiss my ass!” Actually, that is what happened. Thank goodness Luke had the Force, lol.

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For real!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Thanks for My first shout out on Substack

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Thanks for participating in MECHASHENANIGANS!! 🤣

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

That's great Chris!!🤣👏

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Jul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes

Psyopception is perfection Schennigator. I loved this as much as Chutulu Club. Bring forth the Necronomicon. 🤣❤️👏👏🔥

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deletedJul 17Liked by The Starfire Codes
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Sounds pretty damn normal to me. :)

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