Notes On Agroboy, Weekend Update, People Argue About Anything, The White Knight Returns, There Are No Private Corporations In China, Why America Is Almost Completely Run By Monopolies, and more....
Thank you Starfire Codes for the mention & posting my comment during my discussion with Vance Gatlin. Much appreciated! You just never know who reads what you put out in the Substack sphere. Vance Gatlin you were quoted twice! Not bad my friend. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
You know how it feels when you put your money in a vending machine and get two bags of chips at the same time? Well that’s how I feel reading The Scroll! Thanks for the shout out Demi!
Thanks for including me, Demi! I’m thinking I would add to Everything I don’t understand is satan, ‘or God’. There is always the bad, the ugly AND the good 🤣🥰
Adam Coleman is mistaken. Getting rid of the king and of the aristocracy of France in the Anno Domini 1789 to 1797 period was not this organic rhizomatic uprising he pretends it was. It was very carefully orchestrated to lead to Napoleon and back to the restoration of the monarchy. There was a group doing the orchestrating and they were not Christians.
One or more of your comments is in here somewhere. If you go to the message at the top, you can see how it was curated. The explanation is up there. Thanks for being here!! :)
One of the horrid things they taught us at Columbia when I took their "history of psychology" class was about some of the more demented experiments on pigeons and rats. There is a study with rats in a very large environment. After a few generations, there is some crowding. After a few more, there is very great crowding. In one of the experimental scenarios, food and water were provided that was more than ample for all the rats. But there were still rats that played dominance games. Male "alpha" rats that would eat until they were full and then make a point of urinating on the rest of the food. Thus, any other rats that wanted to eat would have to eat with the smell of that male rat's urine all over the food. A sort of psychopathic behaviour. I'm not a witness to any of these experiments, so I cannot say whether the reports are consistent with what was happening, but if they are, it seems like these sorts of behaviours arise in other animals.
Other animal species do have wars, do have territories, do exhibit aggression, again according to various research reports. It happens with "army ants" and various insect species. It happens with primates. It happens with wolves. I saw a screen capture of wolves that had been tagged alike in different packs and there are clear territories and the occasional war over especially choice territory. Beings are defensive, aggressive, and self-interested, and at times chaotic and incomprehensible. I don't think people should feel especially ashamed of being the way we are. I also think that there are better ways of being, and that some especially worthy souls have tried to show us a better way. Jesus Christ is the truth, the life, and the way. So it would be well to read up on what he says and asks. Praise God. Amen.
Thank you Starfire Codes for the mention & posting my comment during my discussion with Vance Gatlin. Much appreciated! You just never know who reads what you put out in the Substack sphere. Vance Gatlin you were quoted twice! Not bad my friend. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
You know how it feels when you put your money in a vending machine and get two bags of chips at the same time? Well that’s how I feel reading The Scroll! Thanks for the shout out Demi!
Thank you so much!! :)
That right there is a great feeling!
Thanks for including me, Demi! I’m thinking I would add to Everything I don’t understand is satan, ‘or God’. There is always the bad, the ugly AND the good 🤣🥰
Then it would be, in keeping with the satire, "Everything I DO understand is automatically God." LOL!
Thanks for the mentioning of my name!
Satan is a term that evolved from shaitan, which means simply… adversary! So. In a sense. It is all Satan. But Satan is not one being.
Satan is a couch cushion…my latest to share with you:
I have been summoned. Thank you for the mentiom.
Of course!! Thanks for contributing!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Adam Coleman is mistaken. Getting rid of the king and of the aristocracy of France in the Anno Domini 1789 to 1797 period was not this organic rhizomatic uprising he pretends it was. It was very carefully orchestrated to lead to Napoleon and back to the restoration of the monarchy. There was a group doing the orchestrating and they were not Christians.
2nd citation of the year! #Goals 😁
Always an honour and a pleasure to be named in the scroll by Starfire Codes. Thank you very much :-) and have a superb weekend!
Thank you so much!! Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday!! :)
All good. Currently in the Yucatan in Mexico. Feet in the pool and enjoying the weather and a beer. Life is very good! How is your Saturday?
That sounds amazing!! I was out by the beach earlier having lunch - beautiful day out! Very peaceful! :)
Awesome! Both our days sound completely tranquil and at peace!! Lovely :-)
It was definitely a great day!! :)
Who how, what now? Why am I mentioned? I am lost.
One or more of your comments is in here somewhere. If you go to the message at the top, you can see how it was curated. The explanation is up there. Thanks for being here!! :)
One of the horrid things they taught us at Columbia when I took their "history of psychology" class was about some of the more demented experiments on pigeons and rats. There is a study with rats in a very large environment. After a few generations, there is some crowding. After a few more, there is very great crowding. In one of the experimental scenarios, food and water were provided that was more than ample for all the rats. But there were still rats that played dominance games. Male "alpha" rats that would eat until they were full and then make a point of urinating on the rest of the food. Thus, any other rats that wanted to eat would have to eat with the smell of that male rat's urine all over the food. A sort of psychopathic behaviour. I'm not a witness to any of these experiments, so I cannot say whether the reports are consistent with what was happening, but if they are, it seems like these sorts of behaviours arise in other animals.
Other animal species do have wars, do have territories, do exhibit aggression, again according to various research reports. It happens with "army ants" and various insect species. It happens with primates. It happens with wolves. I saw a screen capture of wolves that had been tagged alike in different packs and there are clear territories and the occasional war over especially choice territory. Beings are defensive, aggressive, and self-interested, and at times chaotic and incomprehensible. I don't think people should feel especially ashamed of being the way we are. I also think that there are better ways of being, and that some especially worthy souls have tried to show us a better way. Jesus Christ is the truth, the life, and the way. So it would be well to read up on what he says and asks. Praise God. Amen.
Thanks Demi!
Always a pleasure! From sticky butts.. em, sticky bugs to Quakademia!
Even Munch's Scream seems tired ... lol
I think if they all confessed, we'd need another life time just to read that crap..
Thanks for being here!! :)
And to redo the crap they passed off as real. And then to redo the experiments based on the crap experiments. It’s a mess.
Thanks for the shout-out!
Thanks for being here!! Have a great Saturday!! :)
On the day we finally meet in person, and after our hug, I expect you to tell me your favourite joke! 😂❤️
Agreed. Hahaha!! I’m not trying to be belligerent. It just makes no sense if it’s written down. It needs to be told. <3
I get it! 😉 'Belligerent' is one of the last words I'd use to describe you!! ❤️
Appreciate the mention, Demi!✨
Thanks for being here!! Happy Saturday!! <3