15 minutes of scrolling, peering and contemplating how the devil I figure in to this

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If you go right above the special thanks section, I explain all of that… what this is and why you appear in the special thanks section if you were listed.

You either made a comment I included or interacted with the posts from which this was derived.

So, when compiling this, erring on the side of inclusion rather than leaving anyone out who was a part of the process is important to me.

Thanks for being here! :)

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That’s where I started first, love. I had a good check and I don’t even recall interacting with anything.

Can you point out for me where I am in the landslide of content please?

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If you don’t appear as a commenter, you either liked or restacked something in here. There is no other way to be included here. Thanks! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Then how did you know to include me? Which post had my like or restack on it? You must have seen it in order to know to include me in the list at the bottom.

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I don't memorize the list. If you like, you can go back and see which one you remember. You must remember what you reacted to or reposted, right? You are certainly in there from reacting or reposting because I do not know you - so there is literally no other way you would have been mentioned. Have a great Saturday!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I’m not sure what this is or how I fit into it but thanks for the mention

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If you go right above the special thanks section, I explain all of that… what this is and why you appear in the special thanks section if you were listed.

You either made a comment I included or interacted with the posts from which this was derived.

So, when compiling this, erring on the side of inclusion rather than leaving anyone out who was a part of the process is important to me.

Thanks for being here! :)

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What ho, Starfire! Glad to have been of amusement and thanks for the shout out. Don’t forget to shout out to all those who don’t know the opposite of “in”, too. 😉

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Thank you for being here!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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A pleasure! Seems like a fun part of Substack, this.

What’s the backstory for your name?

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It's in reference to a priestess line. I was guided to name it that. :)

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I know, it’s all good fun. But seriously:

Celebrated the Millenium with a vasectomy; that was the year I turned 43.

Couple dozen years on, I wish I had banked some live ones in my twenties and had the vasectomy 20 years sooner: vasectomy has been most empowering event of my sexual life.

I’ve never needed to brag, this is just background; I’m smart, funny, and good-looking, and have been told fairly often that I’m about a vagina-full. All of which is credit to mom and dad, not me, okay? But it meant an early adulthood fraught with dangers high and low, culminating in a 23-year marriage to my last girlfriend, which required managing 22 and a half years of extracurricular sex, not to mention baby avoidance at home until the vasectomy. I love my pathetic, miserable children, don’t get me wrong, but if I had been able to choose when and with whom to have them, everyone involved would be a damn sight happier today.

Breaking the news to that pregnant girl in 2003 earned me the big slap, to be sure, but bypassing 18 years of indentured servitude made it feel like a kiss. Boys, think it through.

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Well I'll be damned if I can find the specific thing I contributed to, but nonetheless, I appreciate the attention. I'll take credit even if it's not for me. I mean, somebody has to take the credit that is unclaimed, y'know? I'll make that sacrifice.

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If a comment of yours does not appear here, you were included because you interacted with the source content in some way. There is no other way to get here. Welcome! Thanks for being here!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thanks for including my remark in the comments :)

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Of course! Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thank you very much! My pleasure!😊

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You forgot one of the rules for deciphering propaganda ('news'): Whenever percentages are used, the raw numbers are unimpressive.

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The Scroll is the Saturday fever dream in digital form.

I do steal memes from Instagram so it’s not all repeating what the other memelords post. Want long form content, subscribe.

Most memelords are prolific writers.

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Thanks, Vance! Happy Saturday!! :)

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Happy Saturday

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…scroll or be scrolled…

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Por que no los dos?!?! 🤣

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Moo-vahlous dahling, simply Moo-vahlous!

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Moo-vahlous dahling, simply Moo-vahlous!

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okay this was funny thanks for the mention 🤗

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Thanks for being here!! Happy Saturday!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Finding The Scroll in your stack notifications is like when I was a kid and “we interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you this special program” and it was Rudolph or Peanuts…. Winning either way!

Thanks for the inclusion. Happy to contribute as always.

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Thank you so much!! That's like the best compliment ever! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Yes ma’am. Welcome.

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