THIS is why I LOVE you!! ❤️ (sorry, not sorry for reposting so many words;)

"...Wallowing in despair isn’t going to make it better.

Continuing to speak up so that those who choose to listen will have the benefit of access to what I know does make things a bit better - so I focus on that instead.

I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who is going through repercussions from their choices or for anyone who has lost anyone or had to watch a loved one’s health deteriorate before their eyes.

We are all dealing with that - and this is going to be the unfortunate state of things moving forward.

So, I try to remain detached as much as possible and to grieve in waves, allowing myself to process as the feelings arise.

But I also won’t allow anyone to pull me into the darkness of feeling black pilled over it.

We have to stay solution-focused.

We have to learn to thrive past the hardships.

Adopting a dark mindset about what has been done to us is as effective as crying over spilled milk.

I’m not going to go there.

I know my limits - and I will break if I try.

I will hold space and I will hold out a hand for those looking to climb up out of the hole - I will help those intent to climb back out of that state to transmute the energy - but I will not climb back down into the hole with them.

It’s counterproductive, and I need to keep my wits about me, with my mind sharp, my energy clear, and my connection open.

I need to be able to see the pathway forward and communicate that to the best of my ability.

That is how I am most useful to others and to myself.

So that will always come first."

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Aww. Thank you so much, Jac!! I love you too!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Demi you have such wisdom and compassion it's beautiful.

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Thank you so much, Dave!! That's so kind of you!! <3

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Thank you for the call out. Also, someone, somewhere after one of your posts was commenting about the inadequacy of Europe's armies, using Luxemburg as an example. I think that they may have forgotten the absolute bad ass motherfuckers that Lichtenstein has fielded in the past.

The Great War (I did not name it)- Lichtenstein sent 90 men to support England's forces in France. 7.5 years later they returned with 91. In one of the most gruesome examples of war by attrition ever, they not only did not lose anyone, they also made a friend along the way.

If only every military could live up the Lichtenstein's example.

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👋 Happy to be here again!

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Thanks for the mention.

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Thanks for being here!! Have a great weekend!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Thanks for the mention! I don’t always have time to read through these but every time is a joy (and a laugh).

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Sending my love!!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Always love the Scroll. Makes Saturday complete 😊

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Thanks, Ken!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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There is almost something Shakespearean about The Bony-Eared Assfish, thou gorbellied rough-hewn puttock that you are 🤓 Or should I say, you mewling plume-plucked vassal.


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Don't make me bite my thumb at you. LOL.

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If thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them. 😱

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Privileged to be mentioned in this thought-provoking post. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Sotiris! Happy to see you here!! Hope you're having a great weekend!! :)

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Thank you Demi!! 🙌🌸🫶

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Thank you!! :)

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Where's the beaf (bony-eared assfish)?

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HA!! Good eye!! :)

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Did you ever work on a jigsaw puzzle only to find a piece missing and now you can’t see the whole picture? Well that shit doesn’t happen with The Scroll! All the pieces are here for you to assemble and gain perspective. Thanks Demi!

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Thank you so much!! :)

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Every Saturday is a treat for me because: The Scroll.

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I'm so glad, Jim!! Thank you!! :)

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Good lord.

Some of those comments.

Talk about TDS.

Unfortunately they breed.

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It never ceases to amaze me the need of some (usually university educated) to feel superior. I have friends who look down on Trump as a complete moron. I am not a fan of Trump, but nor do I think him inferior or stupid.

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