The Science of Water Consciousness and How to Prepare and Drink Runic Water
Discover the Healing Properties of Specific Runes and How to Infuse Your Water with Intention
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Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has recognized water as the essential element of life. Water has long captivated humanity with its life-giving properties and mysterious nature. Water's unique molecular structure and life-sustaining properties have made it a focal point of spiritual traditions across cultures. Ancient civilizations revered water as sacred, understanding its unique energetic qualities.
Modern science has only begun to unravel the complexities underlying water's role as the fundamental building block of life. In recent decades, the emerging field of water consciousness has begun to unveil the deeper wisdom hidden within this ubiquitous liquid. By tapping into water's consciousness, we can unlock greater healing, empowerment, and connection with all of life.
While the precise mechanisms require further elucidation, emerging research implies water is far more than an inert substance. Its subtle energies appear highly responsive to consciousness. As we are composed primarily of water, perhaps our energies reciprocally influence the structure of the water inside of each of us.
Water's consciousness resonates with ancient cosmologies recognizing its spiritual wisdom. Norse runic traditions understood water as embodying the properties of the Laguz rune: intuition, emotion, and the collective unconscious. Laguz represented water's fluid yet powerful energies, valued for providing inner sustenance.
Runes held multidimensional meanings, encapsulating concepts via symbols. Laguz, the water rune, signifies flow, change, and renewal. Its cyclic nature taught the necessity of surrendering to life's tides. Laguz oriented Vikings to listen to their feelings and act from their hearts, just as water epitomizes following the path of least resistance.
Modern runic practitioners continue working with Laguz for intuitive opening and emotional healing. Methods involve imprinting water with Laguz vibrations through visualization, chanting, or writing runes on water containers. The water purportedly takes on the rune's potency.
Runic water holds potential for expanded consciousness and well being. The history of runes and emerging science of water reveal water as wise, sensitive, and spiritually significant. Further researching water's consciousness and runic information transfer could uncover profound mystical properties. Our ancient ancestors recognized water's hidden depths; science now begins corroborating water's role as a medium of the spiritual world.
What are Rune Stones?
The origin of the word "rune" stems from the Germanic word for secret or mystery. A similar etymology may be present in Old Irish Gaelic, Welsh, and Old English, in which the word is often equated with the idea of miracles. In Finnish, it also means poem, while in Lithuanian, it might mean to speak. All of these ideas surrounding the use of runic shapes, symbols, and tools combined provide a more accurate description of what runes are; they were used for communicating via the written word and also for communing with the divine in order to receive messages, make decisions, and read universal energies.
Rune stones served both utilitarian and ceremonial purposes. Everyday messages, memorials, and territorial markers used runes for their written information. But many rune stones had mystical meanings, invoked gods, offered protection, or were used for rituals. Stones carved with runes were seen as concentrators of spiritual power.
The history of rune stones gives important context for understanding their traditional and contemporary uses. As an ancient Germanic writing system predating the Latin alphabet, runes were used for communication, divination, and magic. Rune stones are a proto-Germanic divination and protection tool dating back to around the 1st century AD. Each symbol within the runic alphabet has a phonetic sound, a corresponding object or concept, and is the representation of a spiritual or esoteric idea.
The earliest runic inscriptions date back to around 150 AD, with the majority found in Scandinavia but also scattered throughout Europe and as far away as Turkey. The completion of the first runic alphabet, the Elder Futhark, was in the 5th century AD. The Elder Futhark runic alphabet are the shapes most often used today. There are also the Younger Futhark runic alphabet stones which were adapted by the Vikings and other Nordic tribes. These were in use traditionally until around Medieval times. The Younger Futhark rune stones are likely based off of Old Latin inscriptions. The angular shapes of the runes are thought to have evolved from Old Italic alphabets, with the straight lines and hard angles allowing for easy carving into wood and stone. The Younger Futhark developed later, reducing the number of runes to 16 for simplicity.
Rune stones are usually made out of wood, stone, or crystal and are used for fortune-telling, while the energies that the shapes themselves represent are often recombined into bind runes which are used for creating protection sigils. Sets will usually consist of 25 stones, with each of the first 24 stones carved with representations of the 24-letter runic alphabet, and a 25th blank stone which represents Odin's energy.
Often called the Wyrd rune, or Odin's rune, this stone symbolizes that there has been some complication with your divination. This can mean that the question you are asking may be ill-formed, or perhaps the answer you are seeking may not be knowable given the status of the current energies. As a reader, I often take this to mean that the outcome of that particular piece of the full picture is not yet set in stone and relies upon some aspect of free will or timeline convergence in order to take shape. To me, it feels similar to when you draw the Moon card or the High Priestess card in a tarot reading, or even like the Cosmic Egg in the Wild Unknown deck; there are some things you either can’t know yet or you aren’t supposed to know yet and they might rely upon divine timing in order to coalesce when they are supposed to materialize in the 3D.
Some people hate the blank rune, thinking that this feels like giving the gods a way out of answering their questions. To me, the blank rune feels correct; for instance, there are some questions that would require a complex mind map of contingency timelines to answer, not just a few runes, and I might even equate it at times with the blank blinking stare from the gods which might connote, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” The spirit world has a rich, complex, and wonderful sense of humor.
Beyond the rune stones themselves, small pieces of bone, wood, or stone carved with individual runes were used for divination - the original “rune stones.” A seer would inscribe runes on these tokens and “cast” them to discern messages in how they landed. Rune poems were composed to explain the magic and portents of each rune. This tradition of rune reading and rune magic continued into the modern era.
Today runes are popular for divination, meditation, spellwork, and more. Modern mystics connect them to archetypes, the subconscious, and spiritual inner work. Whether carved into ancient stone monuments or printed on small tiles for meditation, runes offer a tangible way to work with language, symbols, and energies beyond everyday reality. Their powerful heritage infuses them with layers of meaning waiting to be uncovered. For those drawn to runes’ mythic roots, or who simply resonate with their striking visual forms, working with rune stones can be a fulfilling spiritual practice.
How Did Odin Discover the Runes?
Odin, the Norse god of wisdom, was famous for the lengths he went to acquire it. An example of this is how they learned all about it from the myth of Odin gaining knowledge about the runes.
According to Norse mythology, Yggdrasill is a huge ash tree located at the center of the universe with its branches extending up to Asgard where gods live. It springs up from Urd’s Well: a bottomless pit possessing mighty cosmic forces and beings such as three Norns. These females determine destinies of every living thing by cutting symbols on Yggdrasil bark and these encode their wishes in them which then spread throughout all cosmoses.
Odin watched from his seat in Asgard as they worked. He desired their wisdom and powers too. He resolved to find out about runes no matter what it took. But the only ones who were deemed worthy could see them; they lived in Urd’s Well with the Norns.
In order to prove that he deserved acquiring access to them, Odin hanged himself on Yggdrasil piercing his side with Gungnir spear. Even drinking water was forbidden during that ordeal while no other deity was allowed coming near him. For nine long days and nights he hung between life and death calling upon those letters down into those dim waters beneath him.
When night number nine came to a close, Odin caught sight of shapes emerging from below- his sacrifice had been accepted by runes. They showed themselves even beyond mere forms but contained secrets deep within them which also they shared with Odin after imprinting the knowledge firmly into his memory; at once knew everything about them when they showed themselves again in front of him screaming and laughing ecstatically at their revelation finally having been made known. This led to his unwavering determination that he would stop at nothing just so he could harness this power inside oneself.
Therefore, through torturous acts of self-denial and self-sacrifice, Odin acquired his unrivaled enlightenment. In this myth, Odin gazed into the Well of Urd so as to discover the runes; that’s how far he was willing to go in order to widen his learning and skills. The tale shows the sacredness and ambiguity associated with runic letters according to Nordic traditions.
The Science of Water Consciousness
In recent decades, the emerging field of water consciousness has begun to unveil the deeper wisdom hidden within this ubiquitous liquid. By tapping into water's consciousness, we can unlock greater healing, empowerment, and connection with all of life.
Water has long been appreciated for its life-giving properties, but modern science is just beginning to scratch the surface of its intricate mysteries. Cutting-edge research has demonstrated that water is far more than an inert substance - it's actually alive with consciousness, carrying information and memory. This discovery has profound implications for how we relate to and utilize this precious resource.
At the forefront of water consciousness research is Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. Through his iconic water crystal experiments, Emoto provided visual evidence that water physically responds to our thoughts, words, and emotions. He exposed water samples to different words, music and environments - then froze and photographed the resulting water crystals. The results were striking: water crystals expressed themselves in beautifully unique shapes when exposed to positive words like "love", while degraded into disfigured patterns when exposed to heavy metal music or negative phrases.
Emoto's findings suggest that just as water remembers information at the molecular level, it also expresses consciousness in the formation of these crystals. The implications are that since our bodies are over 70% water, our thoughts and state of being can also deeply influence us at the cellular level.
A new generation of researchers are expanding our notions of what water is capable of. Dr. Gerald Pollack's research has led him to propose that water naturally forms massive exclusion zones - structured zones where water molecules become highly ordered. This raises profound questions about water's role in supporting biological life.
Other experiments show water holding the electromagnetic imprints even after they are removed from the object they are imprinting. This implies water has a literally holographic memory, potentially capable of transmitting information across the biological realm.
In addition to crystallization patterns, scientists are also studying how water transports information. At the quantum level, water exhibits some astonishing behaviors that contradict all conventional scientific understanding. Quantum experiments have shown water molecules appearing to communicate with each other instantaneously across great distances. This suggests an interconnected, collective form of intelligence not yet accounted for by classical physics.
Researchers at Aerodyne Research in Massachusetts have discovered that water molecules communicate through a language of quantum imprinting, conveying details on shape, chemical makeup and movement. This hydro-communication appears efficient enough to convey complex messages instantaneously through water's hydrogen-bonded network.
Some pioneering scientists propose an even more radical theory - that water itself is a form of consciousness, possessing abilities like information storage, self-structuring, perception and even emotion. Rupert Sheldrake hypothesized that collective bodies of water may have their own intrinsic memories and personalities. As a universal medium and source of life, water's special characteristics could help explain phenomena such as animal migration, ecosystem self-regulation, and facilitated healing.
If water is indeed conscious itself, this may inform new approaches to working with its self-healing intelligence. Many integrative health pioneers have already discovered radical results by shifting the paradigm from suppressing symptoms to communicating with and liberating the innate wisdom within living systems.
The possibilities span even wider when considering water's interconnectivity with all life on Earth. Water is truly the circulatory system of the biosphere, interfacing with and informing ecosystems from the quantum to cosmic levels. Some researchers propose that much like water crystals, planetary waterways like oceans and rivers also express a kind of consciousness. For example, indigenous traditions understood bodies of water as sacred living entities to be respected. Today, many conscious action groups aim to restore waterways through holistic and harmonic practices such as music, prayer, and mediation.
The implications of water's consciousness transform how we can heal and interact with it moving forward. With mindful regard and care, we can foster a mutually beneficial relationship with water. By recognizing water as conscious and alive, we allow it to change and transform us - unlocking greater flow, energization and coherence within our own bodies and lives. With loving wisdom and reverence, conscious water utilization could also restore vitality to polluted ecosystems and nourishment to arid regions. Harnessing knowledge of water's consciousness may allow us to consciously awaken and purify the biosphere's damaged hydro-networks.
The emerging science of water consciousness has broad and revolutionary implications for the future of humanity. As quantum physics and systems biology shed new light on water's hidden mysteries, we are awakening to water's sensitivity, intelligence, and multi-dimensional nature. A conscious relationship with water, as individuals and as a society, can bring profound healing to the human family and our beautiful planet. By remembering water as conscious, we come into harmonious interconnection with this sacred life source.
Veda Austin's striking water photography provides a visual gateway into water's hidden depths. The crystalline structures and vibrant colors reflect water's energetic nature and interconnectedness with all of life. Water responds to subtle energetic influences - not only physical pollutants but also positive intentions and emotions.
In nature, water's intelligence manifests through sacred geometric patterns and spiraling vortices, evident everywhere from nautilus shells to swirling galaxies. Studies of cymatic sound frequencies also reveal water's tendency to self-organize into beautifully complex mandalas according to the input frequencies.
Subtle messages in water's crystalline geometry are guiding humanity increasingly toward conscious cooperation with the interdependent web of life. The future unfolding of water's cosmic mysteries will continue to transform humanity's consciousness as we learn to embrace our participation in the grand living systems of which water is an integral part.
With new insights into water's memory, sensitivity, and quantum properties, we are developing a more meaningful relationship with water - one that recognizes its true place as an integral part of a larger conscious ecology. Natural bodies of water may be far more like sensitive organisms than inanimate landscapes. Through intention, prayer, and respect, we can restore natural water bodies to health and vibrancy. By learning the cosmic language of frequency, vibration and energy, we may be able to actively participate in water's evolutionary destiny.
Many ancient and indigenous cultures have long appreciated water's sacred living intelligence. Water is considered the cradle of life, holding a vital link to our origins and existence. At sacred sites like Chalice Well in Glastonbury, water has been revered for its conscious presence and transformative properties for many generations.
Runic Water
The spirits of water are now being understood through the eye of modern science. As our thoughts become closer to what people knew a long time ago, we are gradually moving toward understanding ourselves better.
Water was described very well in ancient Norse runes. These rune scripts embody the energetic values that the natural environment bears. Modern studies have established that water has a memory in which it records and transmits information through its vibrational patterns. The runes could also be employed to imprint restorative energy signatures onto water for harmonization purposes.
Runic water is an effective method of exploiting the curative properties of water. This is a form of water given life by specific runic symbols and sacred rituals. It is thought that such substances demonstrate physical characteristics as well as metaphysical manifestations.
Ansuz, which depicts divine breath, is invoked to enliven water with spirit’s highest wisdom and blessings. Chanting this name while tracing the Ansuz over flowing liquid creates golden light cascading down from spirit into it; that’s how it goes into human bodies too when consumed for overall purification, inspiration, and communion with divinity.
When we combine leading-edge water science with mystical teachings found within Runic language, we gain more insight about how the latter acts as bridges between spiritual development and evolution (consciousness). Additionally, deepening our bond with water transcends both individual growth and collective ascension.
The Elder Futhark Norse runes are ancient magical symbols used for divination since prehistoric times. The Elder Futhark Norse Runes contain much wisdom and energy suitable for personal growth, protection and healing purposes. One way to access their power is by use ritual magic or intention to infuse these energies into water-forms. This “runic” frequency can actually be drank in this case as liquid thus pouring its benefits directly into one’s system.
You need a clear glass filled up with clean fresh tap or spring water, plus some knowledge about runes to make runic water. Start with clearing your space and calming down your mind through meditation or prayers. When you are ready, put the palm of your dominant hand over the glass and take it in. While visualizing its energy entering the water, trace the shape of the rune into it using your dominant finger. Also, say aloud the name of that rune as you draw it on.
When considering healing purposes, choose runes which denote good health and well-being. Ansuz is an excellent choice for charging drinking water because it represents divine wisdom and divine blessing. This shape (a forward arrow with a downward line across it) is traced around a glass before saying “Ansuz” and seeing its bright golden light flowing into the liquid.
Once done tracing, lay both hands at either side of the glass and picture Ansuz’s power glowing within. You may feel some change in temperature or vibration in this liquid though; this implies successful transference of energy. Before sipping on this elixir, take a deep breath so as to stay grounded throughout consumption. This way you will be able to notice any form of guidance or sensation coming from within as you swallow.
Other powerful runes for runic water include:
Uruz, the rune of strength and vitality, for energizing and fortifying effects
Laguz, the rune of cleansing and renewal, for purifying body, mind, and spirit
Eihwaz, the rune of transition and letting go, for releasing blocks and negative energy
Jera, the rune of cycles and right timing, for bringing alignment and flow
Fehu, the rune of abundance and blessing, to attract prosperity and nourishment
The number of times you trace the rune over the water can strengthen its potency - try three repetitions for a simple ritual, or up to nine for more powerful effects. Tracing the shape clockwise amplifies the rune's energy.
Once imbued, drink the charged water slowly and mindfully to allow its benefits to resonate through your being. Runes impart more than just physical healing - they can catalyze spiritual growth, unlock your inner wisdom, and reconnect you with your highest self.
Runic water is empowered through focused intention. The key is cultivating a clear, receptive state of awareness as you transfer the rune's energy and then drink it in. Avoid doing this ritual mechanically without deeper awareness. The power lies not in the physical tracing of the rune, but your conscious alignment with its underlying vibrational essence.
Work with each rune persistently over time to fully integrate its gifts. Keep a journal noting any insights, synchronous events, or changes that develop from drinking the water. Observe how your dreams, emotions, and thinking shift. Allow the magic of the runes to unfold in its own time and way.
Beyond water, you can also imbue oils, elixirs, baths, or food with runic power through similar methods. Combine two or more runes in your rituals for amplified and synergistic effects. With practice, you will come to intuitively know which runes to work with for your current needs.
Runic water is just one way to access the ancient Norse wisdom encoded in the Elder Futhark. Languishing on library shelves and shrouded in mystery, these old runic symbols hold profound relevance for our healing and growth today. By tapping into their energies, we reconnect with an ancient, yet timeless, system for alignment with our highest soul purpose.
Additional Resources
Austin, V. (2021). The Secret Intelligence of Water: Macroscopic Evidence of Water Responding to Human Consciousness. Amazon.
Chris Williamson. (2021). Does Nature Have A Hidden Memory? - Rupert Sheldrake | Modern Wisdom Podcast 379. YouTube.
Emoto, M. (2011). The Hidden Messages In Water. Amazon.
Kroeze, D. (2023). Influence of music on plants. CANNA Research.
Loehr, F. (1959). The Power of Prayer on Plants.
Nam, Y. (2020). Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped-ion quantum computer. Nature.
Pollack, G. (2013). The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. Amazon.
Schauberger, V. (1999). The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water. Amazon.
Wikipedia. (2023). Runes. Wikipedia.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I love learning and water has always been a way for me to transmute and process what I am experiencing. Beaches, rivers, lakes, even taking a shower. I can't wait to start incorporating runes!
I talk to water often and have been intentionally deepening my relationship with it. Thank you so much for this teaching on adding the runes to it! Really wonderful!