This is a tough topic to distill down, but mission accomplished

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Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Insanely “interesting” technology which is hard to imagine because I’m a visual person...in any case, IoB...hard pass. And the involvement of DARPA in all of this is extremely troubling. They are behind all of it IMHO; social media, the medical cartel, etc.

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IMO, I agree with you. I wanted to present the information in the most informative way possible so that people who read this would be able to wrap their heads around what this really means.

I hope people will take the time to read it and get educated on the topic so they can understand the decisions they are making or choosing against and why.

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Yes, it was a difficult read because of both the ideas being hard to visualize and then the tone of the piece was clearly exuding excitement and positivity despite the potentially (likely!) dark ramifications. Thank you for posting this.

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I tried to counterbalance the rhetoric as much as possible, but these are the claims. They're very Tomorrowland.

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why does it have to even be injected, I’m sure people have drank it, eaten it.

Earth seems like a huge secret experiment.

Big hero 6 way smaller scale.

control, imprisonment, slavery or just 💀

People are clueless

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That's why I wrote this. I hope people will start to understand what is happening. <3

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You paraphrased all of it! Wow! So much work. I assumed a lot of it was from their websites. Great job, ignore my comment then...of course it was all “Tomorrowland”💥

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I agree with you. It's hard to navigate when no one will write anything balanced about it. They're either starry-eyed or completely dystopian. It's a very strange bifurcation point.

To me, all tech is agnostic. Intent and consequence are what make the use cases positive or negative.

Clearly, there are some people who really drank the kool-aid on this and others who are fire and brimstone about it.

I see it as likeliest to be a heavyhanded control mechanism that was likely to have been cultivated to be dystopian, based upn the rest of the evidence.

But the rhetoric is all very "Watch us innovate the future!" I suppose it's easier to convince people into a Pied Piper trap if they believe the outcome will be beneficial for them. We've seen several recent examples of that already. It's not farfetched by a long shot.

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I will have to take my time and read this again, but, WOW! It looks like right out of the gate they market this thing by using medical examples for its application. Who doesn’t want to stay healthy. Thank you Demi. ✨

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You just really make me cheer a lot.

I have so many other things to say but right now I'll just say that.

Wow. Wonderful write-up.

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Thank you so much!! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Any ideas on how to block them from putting things on our system or disconnecting ftom the iot or bot, is it the nanotechnology binding this all together. Great info.

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Thank you so much. For any kind of detox, ALWAYS begin with chelation. Safety requires a certain order of operations. Begin there with a licensed practitioner who understands how to remove metals safely. Once your metals are clear, keep testing for additional toxins of all kinds and usher them out.

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.y eyes ha e tons of nano floaters and stars any ideas on how to get rid of it.

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You will need to start with chelation. Anything else you do first could mobilize metals without ushering them out and could cause more harm than good. Start with chelation.

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