The Plan To Prop Up and Then Take Down Poornima Wagh Was An Orchestrated Attack On The Entire Zero Isolation Argument
As This Play Was DESIGNED, If The Zero Isolationists Didn't Call Out the Plot Holes In Her Background FIRST, Those Asking For Virus Proof Would Have Gone Right Down In Flames Along With Her
The entire camp attempting to take the zero isolation argument down in order to uphold the Hegelian dialectic and push forward the Transhumanist agenda was already planning to use Poornima Wagh’s prop up and subsequent orchestrated downfall in exactly this way - as a means to annihilate the zero isolation argument by proxy.
The plotholes in her story were orchestrated. Her prop up and downfall were meant to be the entire zero isolation argument’s downfall.
They didn’t expect anyone to figure it out.
The ONLY saving grace of the zero isolationists is that they got ahead of it and called her out BEFORE controlled opposition did, which is exactly why certain people who are opposed to the zero isolation argument are scrambling to hold Wagh up on display now as a demonstration of the "incompetence" of the zero isolation argument.
This was ALWAYS going to be the play. It was planned and orchestrated from the start. The gaping holes in Wagh’s story were meant to be so obvious that this low hanging fruit of shutting her down would be ripe for the picking for anyone who wanted to throw her under the bus, and the controlled opposition faction was hoping that the entire zero isolation argument would be discredited right along with it.
Fat chance. The zero isolationists are much smarter than that. You’ll have to wake up a lot earlier in the morning to concoct a scheme to take this group down. And the truth is on their side.
Wagh’s downfall was meant to take THE ENTIRE ARGUMENT down, and the only way to undercut that action was to expose the holes in her background in order to take her down first, not to give her tall tales the benefit of the doubt.
The good natures of the zero isolationists were being utilized against them to get them to accept an unvetted outsider as one of their own so that when the issue with her background surfaced the Trojan horse of the discrepancies in her background would annihilate everyone else attached to this argument by proxy.
Nice try, controlled opposition. The zero isolationists are smarter than you are.
Thank goodness some acted quickly or the entirety of the zero isolation argument would be dead in the water, right along with Poornima Wagh's reputation, exactly as this play was designed to go down.
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