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The Past 24 Report 12-9-2021: Daily Recap of Actionable Intelligence and Disclosure News
Alice, M. Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny. The Burning Platform.
Anton, M. Unprecedented. On the novelty of our cultural predicament. The New Criterion.
Burch, L. Earthquake swarm off Oregon coast has been ‘building up.’ KOIN CBS 6.
The Buzz. The pandemic will end when the digital monetary system is in place. YouTube.
Cirstenw2. Gene Decode #46 Earthqakes Take Out DUMBS In SaltLake, Australia, Africa, Asia Plus Killer Vax 2015. Rumble.
D’Souza, D. The Biden Admin is Threatened - Already Going After Trump's New Social Media Platform. Trump's new social media platform is already under attack from the Biden regulatory agencies. Here's why it poses such a threat. Rumble.
Free Speech Warrior. Moderna Patent Confirms Horror: Nanocensor Contained in Bioweapon. BitChute.
Greenberg, J. Bill Clinton Not Called as Witness in Maxwell Case, Despite 26 Flights on Epstein Jet. Ex-president was frequent flyer on 'Lolita Express' private plane where victims were raped. Neon Nettle.
Greenberg, J. George Soros Caught Funding 'Abolish Police' Activist Network. Grant records show far-left billionaire pumping millions into anti-cop activism hub. Neon Nettle.
Hancock, S. Congressman Introduces Bill to Force FDA to Release Pfizer Documents Within 100 Days, Instead of 55 Years. Children’s Health Defense.
Inspired. mRNA Vaccine Inventor: This Does Not Make Any Sense | ROBERT MALONE 2021. YouTube.

Knight, J. BONE CHILLING! WaPo Asks Biden To Use "Forceful Action Against" & "Overwhelm The Threat" Of PATRIOTS. YouTube.
[Note: “Feels like the 300 Spartans vs the Persians.”]
Redshaw, M. VAERS COVID Vaccine Data Show Surge in Reports of Serious Injuries, as 5-Year-Olds Start Getting Shots. VAERS data released today by the CDC included a total of 875,653 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 18,461 deaths and 135,400 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Nov. 5, 2021. Children’s Health Defense.
The Rubin Report. Fauci Shocks MSNBC Host, Admits Individual Rights Don't Matter Anymore. YouTube.
Shilhavy, B. 666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years. Health Impact News. [Note: Well, that tally seems awfully convenient.]
Smith, W. In Germany, You Must Be Fully Vaxxed before Your Death by Assisted Suicide. National Review. [Notes: “Ok. NOW we're at peak stupid.” “Papers, please or we'll shoot you.... Wait a minute....”]
Walsh, M. 'Has NEVER Happened Before' - Florida Election Shocker Should Have Democrats Panicked. They never imagined this would happen. Another state becomes red! Conservative Brief.
Walsh, M. 'Used To Hide Decisions': Conservatives Make Huge Announcement on Election Lawsuit. This report should terrify everyone. Conservative Brief.