Associated Press. Hundreds of military families sickened by contaminated Pearl Harbor water. Key Honolulu aquifer may also be at risk as residents say they face stomach pain and headaches. The Guardian. Empire Files. Hawaii Emergency: Navy Poisons Drinking Water. The US Navy has poisoned the largest water supply in Hawaii. Nobody knows how long residents have been drinking toxic water, how big the chemical leak is, or how many it will impact. But instead of urgent action to save lives, the Navy is engaging in a cover up. YouTube.
Austin, M. Vax Mandates for Holiday Travelers? Psaki Makes Chilling Admission on Possible Domestic Travel Restrictions. The Western Journal.
Azazel, A. Brazil: Two infants given Pfizer shots hospitalized (Reports). A two-month-old girl and four-month old boy have been taken to hospital with adverse reactions to coronavirus vaccines - mistakenly given instead of a shot meant to immunize against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), and hepatitis B. (Uol media outlet reports). The nurse who administered the Covid-19 jabs has been suspended and an investigation opened. The Pfizer vaccine has been cleared for children as young as 5 in multiple countries. The pharma giant insists it has been tested and is safe. Azazel News.
Barr, B. BARR: Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Contains Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ For Cars. Daily Caller.
Bugnolo, A. Friar Alexis Bugnolo Says 2 Billion Dead in the Next Year. Are You Ready? Forbidden Knowledge TV.
[Note: Meanwhile, de Blasio’s family lines up for that batch one saline. Can you see what they're doing globally? They're testing the people with more and more extreme measures. Hold the line.]
Conger, K. Twitter’s heads of engineering and design will leave in a company shake-up. The New York Times.
Davidson, H. China ‘modified’ the weather to create clear skies for political celebration – study. Researchers say Beijing used cloud-seeding to create artificial rain and lower pollution in July, in latest example of ‘blueskying’ efforts. The Guardian. [Note: Drip, drip, drip….]
Fairbanks, C. Supply Chain Issues Now Causing Shortages of Heart Medications, Antibiotics, Cancer Drugs. The growing supply chain issues are now causing shortages of important medications at pharmacies across the nation. The Gateway Pundit. [Note: That’s awfully convenient.]
High, C. Destiny and Woo - Explorers' Guide to SciFi World. BitChute.
High, C. It's Wooseful - Explorers' Guide to SciFi World. BitChute.
High, C. Leaky Woo Too - Explorers' Guide to SciFi World. BitChute.
High, C. Rumors of Woo - Explorers' Guide to SciFi World. BitChute.
Hoft, J. Former Australian Pro-Basketball Player Ben Madgen Diagnosed with Pericarditis After Taking Second Shot of Pfizer Vaccine. The Gateway Pundit.
Hoft, J. FOX News Sidelines Lara Logan After Dr. Fauci Complains About Her Nazi Doctor Comparison. The Gateway Pundit.
Holland, S. U.S. officials to boycott Beijing Olympics over rights 'atrocities.' Reuters. [Note: Quotes around the word atrocities brought to you by Reuters’ sponsors and the letters CCP.]
Koenig, M. Hawaii is pounded by slow-moving 'Kona' cyclone that has dumped TWO FEET of rain on the island state and left more than 5,000 without power. Daily Mail. Loh, M. Haunting photos show ash-covered, abandoned towns in La Palma, where people have dealt with 10 weeks of non-stop volcanic eruptions. Yahoo News. [Note: Pay CLOSE attention to the uptick in natural disasters. A GSM will always bring an uptick in natural disasters. Compare to 1816. Pandemics correlate with GSMs as well. Why did we wait for the beginning of a GSM to do a massive 5G rollout? Connect the dots.]
Laila, C. One of Florida's Biggest Hospital Systems Suspends All Covid Vaccine Mandates. The Gateway Pundit.
[Note: And what exactly makes the timing of this so crucial right now, WEF? Hmm? Connect the dots.]

[Note: Winds INSIDE the crater.]
Oakes, M. Canadian province allows grocery stores to ban unvaccinated. The Canadian province of New Brunswick will allow grocery stores to ban unvaccinated clients who wish to buy food. The Westphalian Times.
Olson, T. Senate set to vote on bill barring Biden vaccine mandate, likely to pass with Manchin support. FOX News.
Pearson, R. Photos: Did The “Patriot Front” Marchers Wear Point Blank Warrior Shields That Have 2-3 Month Lead Times That Must Be Ordered To The FBI’s Specifications? Red State Nation.
Quintero, J. COVID-19 in India: A state declined to use early treatment and the results are appalling. Trial Site News.
ReallyGraceful. Australia in 2021: What the Media Won't Tell You (Part 2). YouTube.
Strange Sounds. Something is going on along the Nankai Trough in Japan! Earthquake swarms are moving along the subduction zone, from Mount Fuji to Kii Channel to Tokara Island. Strange Sounds.
Suspicious0bservers. Dear Joe Rogan. YouTube. [Note: Ben wants normies to learn a little something about the weather…. Hmm. I wonder what that might be.]
Tahir, T. China feared to be hiding missiles on ships for strike ANYWHERE in the world. The US Sun. [Note: You’re joking. Welcome to the Club-K party, MSM. We’ve only been following this story for TWO FREAKING YEARS. We were ahead of the curve as usual. Where the hell were you? Only Azazel News, Daily Mail, and MonkeyWerx had the balls to cover this. This was also a large part of the group prediction conversation in which the crew at The Starfire Codes called those ships Trojan horses. If only journalists would actually, you know, do their JOBS?!]
Trevithick, J. U.S. Military Steps Up Planning For Evacuation Operation In Ukraine As Crisis Deepens: Report (Updated). News of more active contingency planning with regards to Ukraine came ahead of a meeting between Presidents Biden and Putin today. The War Zone on The Drive. [Note: This is important. Think about it. Why would Russia want to enter Ukraine?]
Trevithick, J. U.S. Satellites Are Being Attacked Every Day According To Space Force General. Space Force general details how jamming, blinding lasers, cyber attacks, and other satellites have America's space-based capabilities under siege. Both China and Russia are regularly attacking U.S. satellites with non-kinetic means, including lasers, radio frequency jammers, and cyber attacks, he said. The comments were made at the Halifax International Security Forum four days after a Russian anti-satellite weapon test involving a ground-launched interceptor, which destroyed a defunct Soviet-era electronic intelligence satellite and created a cloud of debris that presents a risk to the International Space Station (ISS). The War Zone on The Drive.