Azazel, A. Anomaly. MAJOR anomaly. ROYALS checking the bunkers. Why are the Denmark Elites going Wonka in Greenland? Why did 45 want to buy Greenland? Salama, V. President Trump Eyes a New Real-Estate Purchase: Greenland. Wall Street Journal. 45 wanted to buy Greenland and the Danes refused. Ask yourself: Why did 45 want to buy Greenland? And why due to time constraints did Denmark refuse to sell. Why this refusal? Ultimately leads to less Americans being saved during an ELE. This refusal means the OML (Order of Merit List) is even more competitive. This refusal means American bunkers will have to be shared with the Danes. And with the purchase would it have allowed the Danes to build their own DUMBS in time? The truth is in plain sight. Bunker expansion ongoing. The movies Deep Impact (1998) and Greenland (2020) showcased the PEOC that triggers the OML. Three ways to cross: Serving; Private sector via clearance; or ELE (Extinction Level Event), PEOC (Presidential Emergency Operations Center) triggers OML via licensing database. There are no shortcuts. Green Door is highly sought and the hardest thing to obtain. Ad Astra schools exist for a reason, recruiting starts early. For a normal citizen to get selected during peaceful times chances are almost null. Only exceptional people go through. Now, during an ELE, things are completely different. We are talking who has better chances to survive and who is key to rebuild. TECC (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care) is an OML level course geared toward civilians. TCCC is for troops. Azazel News.

Azazel, A. Ask yourself why North Americans and Western Europeans are never taught about the Holodomor. November 27th is the Holodomor remembrance day commemorating 10-13M Ukrainians who were killed ruthlessly by artificial famine. Communism kills. Ukrainians are urged to join the nationwide minute of silence at 4 pm Kyiv time in memory of those killed during the Holodomor of 1932-33 and light a candle. Azazel News.
Azazel, A. Look at this news story: Smith, J. Female sailor at center of USS Bonhomme fire report: Seaman who 'torched' Navy ship told investigators they were engaged until he dumped her for getting pregnant by another man - but she says it's all 'bipolar lies.' Daily Mail. This is absolute total bullshit. We reported this fire in REAL TIME - it was a DEW. You can’t trust any of these fuckers. These are DEW. These are not regular fires. The USS Bonhomme fire lasted FIVE DAYS. The deck burned out, the ship received a noticeable roll to starboard. This is ass covering by the factions. I don’t think these motherfuckers even exist. Azazel News.

Clayton, R. Large Groups Rob Burnsville, Maplewood Best Buys On Black Friday. WCCO CBS 4.

[Note: What is being concealed?]
Hoft, J. South African Medical Association Debunks Global Hysteria – Says Omicron Variant Symptoms ‘Unusual But Mild’ – Even WHO Says No Reason to Panic. The Gateway Pundit.