Demi, I’m gobsmacked! Brilliant expose!

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Thank you so much!

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Great article! I wanted to add. My great uncle talked about working for British Intelligence in spring of 1941 at Rockefeller Center. Donovan, who is credited with the birth of the CIA, was involved there as well. The British were hiring Americans to control the media narrative. This is primarily where it began. I found a book that I believed mentioned my great uncle, Shanghai Conspiracy. I found that the Japanese translation of the book removed the part mentioning my great uncle. The book was published in 1952 and in that year the CIA controlled the media in Japan.

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Thank you so much! That's fascinating about your uncle. I think this is similar to what happened with the English translation of Ulfkotte's book. Since more people worldwide speak English cross-culturally than any other language, allowing the book to become the splash it was in Germany could have been "detrimental," especially after what we've seen occur since 2016/2017. I thought it was important to discuss that there was speculation surrounding his death. He had been giving interviews prior to that speculating that it was likely to happen. I remember watching an appearance on RT in which he said this. So it matches up.

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Wow, you really put a lot of work in here. This is one reason I came to substack. I was exhausted by all the new information I have to delve through, mull over and then save. I had so many folders under my "corruption" folder (which was inside my HEXES folder- that's my name for the juice they were injecting. I named it after the black smoke monster in a movie called Ferngully) that I was taking up too much space in my computer! I found substack and realized HOW MUCH IS HERE and that I can search by topic. I went back through my computer and tossed 70% of it. I was thinking I would need to be able to quickly throw a pdf presentation together on any given topic should someone ask. After three years of no one having ANY QUESTIONS at all I decided to clean house. I saved copies of things that cannot be recreated that are vitally important. (like pages that the CDC likes to remove after they have "informed" us.) My general understanding that I should always follow my intuition is enough for me. If anyone wants sources for that, I can't help them. This kind of article is exactly what I would refer to if this subject came up with someone. LOOK at all the WORK you have done here. I am mightily impressed. Thank you.

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Thank you so much!! I am honored!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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I found an extensive digitized NYT article from 1977 going in depth into these publications and more.

What’s to think this doesn’t still happen now?

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It absolutely does. It all has the same texture, only updated for the current media landscape.

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So many CIA operations to research, so little time,..& available un-redacted documents. Wink.

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My husband lived in St. Petersburg, Florida, during the 2000s. He lived near the pier - Bay Walk, where he performed nightly… Anyway, around the corner from where he lived was a beautiful mall with 20-plus theaters, shops, and restaurants. In the center courtyard of this mall was a CIA emblem. Like the one in your photo representing this writing. I can’t add a photograph, or I would do so

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In the courtyard of a mall in St. Pete? Wow. I wonder why.

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🤷‍♀️ It’s a high end mall. Florida style— partly indoors and part outdoors. Randy mentioned his obersvation to people, but people couldn’t have carried less. I’ll post another photo in notes.

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The control of media by government and by giant business conglomerates goes back into the late 19th Century when a conspiracy of wealthy men bought up newspapers and magazines to limit the editorial output of the free press. The radio industry was regulated well before WW2 under both Republican and Democrat "progressives" even though radio frequency spectrum is highly divisible and very little evidence of 'colliding' broadcasts existed. Radio broadcast licences and, in the UK radio receiver licences, exist to restrict and control "free" speech. The broadcast licence acts make this clear if you read them. Television was regulated from its invention. And now the Canadian government agency that regulates broadcasts is determined to eliminate free speech on the Internet.

It's too bad. Some of us worked very hard on anonymous remailers and teaching encryption tech and you don't use it so you don't care. We built the tools for free speech on the Internet and a trivial number of people work to defend freedom or even learn the technologies we built. Your neighbours seem eager to be enslaved and they make me sick. Disgust is not a strong enough word.

One of the groups trying to get the word out about communications privacy is the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I am not encouraged to suppose it would do any good, because so few people want to be responsible for their own freedom, but here is a page of theirs that has some meaningful suggestions on the topic.


Long ago, in 1991, I was made aware by the violent actions of ruthless men that Texas was not a part of a free country. Nothing has gotten better since then except that the people of 27 states have declared for the right to keep and bear arms without licences. It's not much on which to hang much hope, though, so I don't. Your neighbours are not interested in freedom or their pay cheques wouldn't be robbed on payday by withholding taxes.

There are going to be more bloody parts of the communist/fascist usurpation that has been going on for 140 years in this country and which was started in Europe in the 1740s by the scoundrels who paid Rousseau to write his lies. And the American rebels won't be immune to mass arrests and mass executions.

The good news is, there is a just God who rules the affairs of mankind. God loves us and wants us to be free. It is God who gave us free will. So those who are seeking freedom should seek first the kingdom of God. Amen.

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Nov 14, 2023
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It's a mighty fine concern you express. As I said, the thoughts offered by Paul are related. If you wish to alert him to the errors in his thinking you can reach him at his website linked from the article. Of course, he might not choose to reach back. I myself don't mind reading things written by people with whom I disagree. Many sources of information are useful in forming opinions. Even yours. 🤪

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I found this article on the modern legacy of Operation Mockingbird to be absolutely riveting. It delves into the deep-seated connections between media manipulation, government agendas, and the potential impact on public perception. The author's meticulous research and analysis provide a comprehensive understanding of the historical context and shed light on how these covert operations have shaped our current media landscape.

What I particularly appreciated about this article is how it encourages readers to be critical thinkers and question the information we consume. It serves as a reminder that media outlets can be influenced or even controlled by powerful entities, and that it's crucial for us to seek out diverse perspectives and verify the credibility of our sources.

By highlighting the ongoing relevance of Operation Mockingbird, the author sparks important conversations about the responsibility of media organizations to uphold ethical standards and maintain journalistic integrity. This article is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of media manipulation and its impact on society. Kudos to the writer for providing such thought-provoking insights!

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Thank you so much!

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What a great read! It's rabbit hole time for me. I'm so grateful for you and the work you do. It's important, you're important.

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Thank you so much, Mel! I'm honored!! <3

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Wow Demi, incredible article!

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Thank you!

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The sad thing is that the words such as “was controlled” etc should really be switched to present tense because it’s still going on but under another guise.

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The history is the first half of the article. The legacy of that history as it expresses itself in modern times is in the second half below it.

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Very well and skillfully done... All hidden in plain sight.

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Would you agree that this video from Matt Orfalea provides good circumstantial evidence that Project Mockingbird or its descendant is thriving? Specifically. being able to assemble a large cadre of public-speaking liars on a foreign policy issue, suggests something more than coincidence is at work.


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I haven't seen this video. I'll watch it in a few - thanks for this. But yes, regardless of whether the official program itself is still around or was only disbanded in name and still operates clandestinely, the techniques themselves are still being utilized. That's what I was covering in this article - regardless of whether anyone is copping to the program itself still being in play, the data points over time show that the tactics are clearly still in play and have already had such a powerful influence over the interplay among these individuals and entities that it would be very difficult to remove the ideas and practices from the stage. The only solution that would be impactful enough to counter this would be a widespread focus upon media literacy education. But good luck funding that when money can be made by keeping people in the dark about those techniques and how they work.

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LOL. "Media literacy".....that wins the prize for understatement.

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Nov 17, 2023Edited
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Thank you, Lily. I'm honored!

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