Channeled Messages:
Totality and wholeness have increased your vital force. You are beginning a new cycle. A large part of the divine plan for you is for you to shine your light and transform yourself into someone whose message will be readily heard. Surrender to this fully: The thoughts, ideas, and topics you discuss are crafting your life and the lives of those around you. Your focus and intent create soul vibrations that radiate from you, out from the center of your energy, in ripples and echoes. These vibrations become a part of the larger conversation of those around you, and out from there, the ideas you are exchanging massively impact the world in its movement toward sustaining freedom and personal sovereignty.
You serve as a beacon of hope for others. Take responsibility for what you send outward so that you can co-create the world you want to live in because something you have been asking to manifest is about to turn up in your life. Asking is the first step in the creative process, when your words filter out into the universe and your request is met with realignment of the fields around you on the quantum level in order to begin to bring your request into being. Once you ask, you must leave it up to the universe to bring your request to you. Take steps toward what you have asked for. If you ask again, you will keep returning to the beginning instead of moving forward.
You will need to clear the past in order to heal the present. If you are feeling disconnected, scattered, or overwhelmed, bring your energy back to center and focus on becoming and staying rooted. Ground yourself so that you can become more connected to nature and gather insights from the world around you. This will also beneficially impact your health to maintain a daily grounding practice. If you do not discharge the energy you accumulate back into the earth somehow, you might get sick. So it is best to do this on a daily basis in order to help maintain optimal health.
Grounding Meditation Music
2 - Cooperation and Peacekeeping
6 - Family, Compassion, Responsibility, and Empathy
7 - Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, and Contemplation
10 - A Symbol of Faith in Yourself
11 - Enlightenment and Creativity
13 - Time For Positive Changes
19 - Hope For A Better Tomorrow
44 - Hard Work
48 - Manifestation of Abundance
2377 - Get Your Life In Order: Be In The Business Of Transforming Your Life
7634 - Be Good To Others: Have A Good Heart At All Times
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Eddie Vedder, Nick Cave, and Concrete Blonde - The Ship Song
Kandle featuring Peter Dreimanis - When My Body Breaks
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Missio - I See You
Nouvelle Vague - In A Manner Of Speaking
Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer
Rachel Bradshaw featuring Jamey Johnson - If I Needed You
The Raconteurs – Now That You're Gone
Tom Waits - Earth Died Screaming
Special thanks to Tim the Enchanter.