The Elephant In The Room: Why Protecting Your Mental Health Will Be CRUCIAL To Your Survival Moving Forward
A Devastating But Important Research Series Topic, Coming Soon....
Brace yourselves… we need to have a sit down.
What we know: Enough shots full of altered mRNA will hijack your system.
You will turn into a spike protein factory.
We don’t know of any way to stop that once it starts.
With each subsequent shot, your immune system is able to handle less and less strain.
Eventually, your immune system will be unable to handle anything more.
On a long enough timeline, your body eventually reaches the straw that broke the camel's back. And you die.
See, this is the real issue... whether it's 18 months, two years, three years, five years... we're going to watch our loved ones die.
We might be prepared to take a stand, to say no, to withhold our consent, to protect our freedom, to do what’s RIGHT to preserve our individual sovereignty in a world that answers only to natural law.
But THIS is what none of us are prepared for.
And I will be covering the ins and outs of that in the blog soon.
People keep saying things like "no one can stop what's coming."
And it's true. Done is done. We fucking CAN'T.
But I would add to that sentiment, "Will YOU be emotionally and mentally prepared for what's coming?"
Because no. Most fucking WON'T.
And that's important too.
It HURTS to have to say this - IT HURTS BADLY - but no one else is talking about it, so I guess I’m going to have to: What good is it if the rest of us live only to want to die because we’ve lost everyone we care about?
That can’t happen. We can’t let it.
So, we're going to talk about that soon.
And we're NOT going to treat it like the elephant in the room even though it's dark and it fucking HURTS.
We're going to work through it and be STRONG because we have to.
This is the reality we face.
So we’re going to rise to the occasion and be the adults in the room and discuss it and plan for what’s to come.
This is the timeline we’re on now.
We have no choice.
I am sending my love to every last one of you. We have to find a way.