Trending on Twitter lately as the #clotshot. Thankfully, the kids are much smarter than the adults.
Speaking of clots, 77% of Delta pilots have received the shot. Delta never required this. There is a high stroke risk if you fly with clots, which alerts those paying attention to the potential that these pilots are likely to get grounded and the company may have to replace 77% of their pilots, not to mention flight crew. And if the crew can't fly after the shot, passengers who took the shot are likely to get grounded as well. This is ironic considering that many agreed to receive the shot thinking that it would make them able to travel again faster.
Have you questioned why the administration would bother sending people door to door when they haven't advertised on TV yet? If you advertise a drug on American television, are you not legally required to disclose all side effects? What side effects could be so bad that they'd rather go door to door than state them clearly on television? And if there's such a risk of contagion, wouldn't a door to door campaign only serve to spread it worse?