The Burning Flames That Caused My Demise Created The Ashes From Which I Rise
Channeled Messages 12-10-2021
Animal Symbolism:
Cat - X-ray vision, acute hearing, high intelligence, guardians, protectors, used to fend off evil, independence, sensuality, unpredictability, healing, curiosity, many lives, magic, mystery, cleverness, the ability to fight when cornered, seeing the unseen, fertility, childbirth, associated with Bast, Freyja, and Shasthi.
Dragon - Change, transformation, wisdom, infinity, longevity, movement through space, supernatural, protection, magic, energy, mastery, enthusiasm, courage, vitality, passion, overcoming obstacles, illumination, insight, clarity, potential, power, riches, connection, depth, memories, wishes, peace, balance.
Hawk - Discernment, intuition, observation, wisdom, courage, truth, clarity, being observant, long distance memory, messages from the universe, guardianship, recalling past lives, illumination, seeing the bigger picture, creativity, experience, wise use of opportunities, overcoming problems, magic, focus.
Seahorse - Charm, mysticism, fertility, vulnerability, loyalty, devotion, security, beauty, balance, reciprocity, intuition, harmony, commitment, monogamy, consideration, kindness, perception, manners, alchemy, water elemental, the afterlife, tenacity, progress, ingenuity, stealth, authority, fatherhood, partnership.
Stag - Stamina, virility, grace, instincts, maturity, regeneration, spiritual enlightenment, nobility, leadership, grace, mystery, formality, elegance, rebellion, intensity, primal energy, good fortune, prosperity, good luck, movement, rejuvenation, psychic power, primal energy.
Turtle - Ancient wisdom, persistence, endurance, longevity, symbol of the world, symbol of the earth, ability to stay grounded through disturbances and chaos, slowing down, pacing yourself, determination, emotional strength, understanding, safety, security, protection, resolution, fertility, motherhood, spiritual growth.
Wolf - Deepest levels of self, inner knowing, intuition, intelligence, survival, night, inner power, inner strength, sincerity, endurance, faithfulness, loyalty, freedom, community, sharp senses, territorial, playful, death, rebirth, dignity, courage, protection, seeing opportunities in change.
Channeled Messages:
You are highly respected as an authority, you carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, and your team is looking to you to forge the way forward. They are right to do this - you are strong and capable. To achieve balanced leadership, stay present and humble, and trust the messages you receive from your guides.
There will be a great deal of conflict for a time as relationships that are out of alignment with your new trajectory fall away, and you will need to be connected to higher self in order to use your intuition to guide you through to the best possible outcomes in all endeavors. You will need to unlock your inner magic in order to make the right decisions for the situation. Make sure that when you are required to fight the risks you take are worth the losses you incur. Balance your heart with your head for best results.
Cultivate conscious coping mechanisms such as remembering to spend time grounding and meditating; these strong habits will be necessary on the path ahead as whatever you uncover leads you further down the rabbit hole into a world you barely recognize.
There is a lot of movement indicated here with the Six of Swords showing up twice in the spread; you are navigating away from conflict and into calmer, more nurturing environments both by air and by sea. This is what you were hoping would happen after having to deal with all of this conflict and the opportunities that open up past this point are fantastic.
Teamwork with the likeminded in friendships, relationships, family, and business partnerships leads to great expansion. Your team’s strengths, weaknesses, resources, and skills are complementary, and the balancing of these, which shows up with Temperance here twice flanking the Three of Cups on either side, is highly advantageous. The sum is massively greater than the parts.
With great loyalty and adaptability, you work together amongst each other with guidance from spirit to alchemize the world around you - in fact, every action you take becomes part of a moving prayer of manifestation that brings about whatever you want as long as you keep your intent focused and use your emotions, your actions, and your words to create the best possible version of your life ahead of you. Together, your manifestation abilities are almost scary powerful, to the point of making it look so easy to everyone else that they wonder how the hell you do it.
The karmic wheel spins in your favor to transform you and those around you in a way akin to the Phoenix rising from the ashes. In fact, with Death here twice, along with the Shapeshifter and the Phoenix, amplified by the Fool, Increase, and Great Power, to say that your life is changing is a severe understatement. It’s safe to say your life is about to become unrecognizable.
Your rare gifts are profound and your team is committed and unstoppable, using observation, creativity, and ingenuity to define opportunities in a challenging landscape to build great abundance - we see the Queen of Pentacles showing up here twice along with the Ace of Pentacles. Work together to take full advantage of this - it’s one of the best spreads I have ever seen.
Mei-lan - Raise Your Frequency
42 - Discover Your Life’s Purpose
51 - A Symbol of Spiritual Growth
64 - A Symbol of Goodness
133 - Spiritual Presence In Your Life
245 - Improve Your Self-Esteem: Doing The Right Things
541 - Always Think Twice: Ask For Help
686 - Materialistic Needs
687 - Embrace Confidence: Respect Yourself At All Times
717 - Your Attention Matters: Opportunity To Change
733 - Be Polite: Always Humble Yourself
833 - Learn To Listen: Set A Good Example
1067 - Spiritual Awakening: Develop Yourself
1420 - Take On Your Life: Bring Joy And Happiness Into Your Life
2135 - Embrace Change: Shift Your Perspective
3334 - Enhancing Yourself: Time To Take More Steps Forward
3344 - Reactivating Your Inner Master: Invitation to Step Up and Lead
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
1,000 Homo DJ's - Supernaut
Band Of Skulls - I Know What I Am
Billie Eilish - You Should See Me In A Crown
The Church - Under The Milky Way
Coldplay - Trouble
The Dead Weather - I Can’t Hear You
The Dead Weather - Looking at the Invisible Man
The Dead Weather - So Far From Your Weapon
Lamb - Gold
The National - Baby We'll Be Fine
Nick Drake - Fruit Tree
Nick Drake - Northern Sky
Nine Inch Nails - Last
Rob Scallon - Glass Armonica (spinning glass bowls... that break)
Teebee - Capable
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - American Girl
Violents - Fireflies
Special thanks to Amelia Zarden and Sophia.