Synchronicity Is An Ever Present Reality For Those Who Have Eyes To See
Channeled Messages 10-21-2021
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
John Lennon - Woman
241 - Making Right Decisions: Be Transparent
314 - Business Venture: Talent and Skills
315 - Betterment of Your Life: Learning Experience
385 - Make Right Decisions: Be Your Best
966 - Slowing Down Your Pace: End of a Cycle
1313 - Good News For Your Life
1000 - Employ Innate Strength: Achieving Objectives
1044 - Power of Ambition: Take Action and Change
1140 - Have a Plan
1233 - Faith in Humanity: Take a Step Forward
1899 - Watch Your Steps: Going Past Your Limits
3399 - Means True Love: Putting Others First
3610 - Success Strategy: Think Like a Champion
3627 - Exploring New Possibilities: All Things Are Working For Your Good
7733 - A Reward for Hard Work: You Are On A Safe Path
Oracle Cards:
Celestial Rose of Ma:
“The taste of bitterness become sweetness and love!
The searching in the dark finds the light of faith revealed in love!
Love transforms thistles into Jasmine.
Love layers heaven, and gives us with wings to soar into its mystery.
Love transforms our every thought into a desire of the heart!
O Love!
How Divine is your luring!
Beauty flows from your unseen face!
Your very nature is radiant with joy!
You manifest vibrant hues in every flower! Your touch dazzles all creation!
Every particle is attracted towards you, longing to unite and dwell in you!”
“A spiritual gift is on its way to you. The Celestial Rose of the Divine Mother is a precious offering of the Sacred Love to the soul. That love can lift you beyond what you have known, beyond self-imposed limits, by the uplifting fragrance of grace. You will begin to think thoughts you have never dared think before. You will feel moved by life, by its sacredness, in a way hitherto elusive to you. You will feel ecstasy without apparent cause, and you will feel as though every breath is a seductive caress of the heavenly lover. You'll be open and surrendered in a way you have longed to be, but in a way you've never known quite how to go about. This spiritual gift signifies the ending of a period of suffering and the opening up to a time of new opportunity, a flourishing and thriving release of your unique soul fragrance into the world. It is a gift worth having. So then, the sticking point is not the value of the gift. The sticking point - the place where one can stumble and place hands to the ground to break a fall rather than open them to receive - is in the thorn. The thorn is the point of pain. It is what it is what tears at you, but it is essential for you to receive the Rose. Your thorn may be the love you need to let go of now, so you are open to your present rather than your haunted past. Your thorn may be the fear that if you grow too vibrant, and embrace the magnificence of your being, others will shun you out of jealousy, or fear, and leave you alone. Your thorn may be a constant need to bargain with life - that you shall take one step provided, certain unwanted events don't take place - rather than just accepting it and living it as presented to you. Your thorn may be looking deep within the heart and removing a crown of thorns - representative of your suffering over a long, long time - letting it go, allowing the heart to heal; this, with a sense of a virginal purity to emanate from the heart, realizing that even great suffering has not tarnished its radiance, but only allowed it to grow strong. Your ready-for-love heart can now be free from expectation and instead, be open to life with curiosity and reverence. Oh those thorns! They have served their purpose; not in and of themselves, but rather, that they have proven you worthy of the Rose and ready now to receive its beauty, healing, and grace. Whatever your thorns are or have been, be willing to deal with them, to face them, and most importantly, to release them without any shred of doubt, shame, guilt or recrimination, beloved. They have served and now their purpose has been completed. The Celestial Rose of Ma promises a gift worth so much more than any pain you are holding onto, so release to receive now. Can you sense to dew soft petals and luscious fragrance opening to you now?"
Blood Angel:
“In the midst of the darkness,
a moon appeared with its brilliance.
Stepping down from the clouds,
It glanced at me.
Like a falcon
that hunts a bird and steals it away,
it captured me
and flew back to infinite space.
As I looked for myself,
I could not find me,
for my body had become all soul
in the tenderness of love.
The nine spheres of heaven
dissolved in that moon
as the shop of my existence
drowned in the sea of love.”
“Do you dare place a limit on how much life you can contain? I pour of myself into your heart and invite you to become nothing and everything, with me. Let us be the sunrise that greets the new day and the sunset that honours the dying of the day, in radiant glory. Let us be the angel of light arising from darkness and the starburst in the awakening heart of a human, beloved. Be the moon at the back of my heart and the sun at the front of my heart. Be wordless and wise. Let us have nothing that we know for certain and be content. Let us be all and let us be nothing. Let us be.”
“The oracle of the Blood Angel comes to you with a particular message; you are being given the gift of more life. You may experience this as growth, expansion, more energy, more life force or divine electricity circulating through your system. The Blood Angel understands that in the gift of greater life, which enables a soul to live more of its essence, becoming a more palpable divine presence upon this earth, there ware many unavoidable experiences. One of these is that there will be more sunsets to counter the increases in your sunrises! This is about balance. When opening up to receive more, one needs to empty out what has been to allow for a new influx of energy. It is not about an exchange of equal measure, for you will receive according to the great generosity of life itself, and thus even more shall be offered in the compensation for what you are willing to release. However, release must take place. Balance is the natural law. The sunset makes way for a time of night – that might be the darkness of grief, or the stirring of unknown places within that only reveal themselves in clarity the following morning. Being ready to endure the sunset and the night to become ready to receive the sunrise – and with it more life – is your divine task now. Why is this coming to you? You are ready for it. You have outgrown what has been and it cannot satisfy your soul anymore. A part of you – your mind perhaps – may question whether or not you really want the change inherent in this oracle, divine gift or not! You may prefer that things remain the same, but what you are really wanting in that belief? Happiness? A sense of safety and security Love? Remember, that in any divine gift – no matter whether it seems to come at first through an obvious bestowal of grace, such as a wish coming true or a prayer being answered, or through a hidden grace of a loss of ending in our lives – there is always an offering of greater life within it. The Blood Angel tells you to not make yourself too small for what is happening in your soul and life now by holding onto what you know, or holding on when it is better to let go. It may not be easy, but you will gain more trust in the Divine, in you, in life, and great power and heavenly play can and will flow through your soul into the world. The Blood Angel invites you to accept the genius of life and allow it to flow through you, circulating your divine light even more abundantly into the world around you. This oracle comes with a particular blessing of well being and vitality. You have perhaps become tired, or are well but seek to engage in new projects or practices that will stretch or challenge you. The Blood Angel brings you the blessing of whatever energy is required to expand into where life is leading you. What the Divine has instilled within your heart shall be financed with life force and energy so it may be brought to fulfillment. This is the sacred contract of human life. The journey shall be taken by the soul, and there will be challenges, and yet what is required for divine fulfillment will always be available.”
Shufflemancy (Music):
Al Green - How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
Amy MacDonald - Mr Rock & Roll
Billie Eilish - Bury a Friend
Charles Webster - The Gift of Freedom
Hans Zimmer - Time
The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Portishead - Wandering Star
Puscifer - Agostina
Rabbit in the Moon - Out of Body Experience
Radical Face - Welcome Home
Seal - Crazy
Sia - Dressed in Black
Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Raga Yaman
Special thanks to Real Talk and Sophia.