wow....it's like you're in my head & heart! xo

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Sending my love!! xo

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3-11-2020 was the end of an era.

Some who are like me, weren't (and still aren't) quiet about any of it and there are others that just didn't want to deal with confrontation, unfortunately leading them to comply with tyranny to "get along". Having their spirit, aka their breath, blocked would be bad enough and we know there was even worse that some gave in to.

There's no doubt in my mind those of us who "knew" the nonsense were all sick of waiting for the rest of society to catch up pretty much from the beginning. It cannot continue like that because there's far more of us who are in fact awake than you'd ever imagine and it's a lost cause at this point trying to wake people up. Plant seeds but don't stick around trying to water something that won't grow. If it's going to happen, nature will make it happen one way or the other in that aspect -- maybe their frequency will change just by getting more oxygen, more sun or just detoxing the poisons but don't force it, that day came and went 3 years ago already.

This should hit home for everyone who knew "3-11-2020" was all nonsense. It also signaled the end of that age and we should not want to go back to the way things were because we were ALL in a low minded victim mentality. Some of us did nothing and some of us used the last 3 years to level up our game in the legal realm, which essentially involves the spiritual realm also.

This is a great reading and all I can say is that people better start sharpening their swords again, get out there & start practicing your tactics in the face of tyrants because they're certainly not done. Not by a longshot...

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I love this. Thank you, Scott!

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You are most welcome! You have called out virology and the 150+ year old germ "theory" for the fraud that it is, so, in my eyes that means what you have to say is worth paying attention to.

Do you have a website, IG/Tw/FB/TG or anything else where you go further into what you talk about as far as the spiritual aspect on here?

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Go to the top. All of my links are in my Linktree button.

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