Try not to drink too much of that archontic “light” Kool-Aid.
The "lessons" are to make you experience pain as catharsis so you will write it off as beneficial because pain is loosh generative.
And karmic contracts are how you are kept here - your own sense of guilt and obligation turned against you.
Step off the karmic hamster wheel.
Remember Passio. New Age bullshit is a psyop. Universal law is what matters. Natural law.
We have a balance of the masculine and the feminine for a reason. Sometimes taking action is appropriate.
These guru types keep talking about frequencies and frequency anchors. They never explain what they mean by that.
That's really abstract, Pumkpin. You’re sooooo mysteeeeeerrrrious….
Not helpful.
We balance our polarities. We don't use light to burn away darkness. The two coexist.
If the "light" assaults the darkness, the darkness retaliates.
You bring them into harmony by healing them together.
The superego can be as much of a dipshit as the ego or the id.
If the “light” gives the “darkness” a hug, the darkness cries it out in the light's embrace and they reharmonize.
It’s not that difficult to understand: Hurt People hurt people.
If your thoughts, emotions, and actions are in alignment with universal law, you will feel it. This is your intuition. Everyone has experienced this. Everyone has this inherently.
You’ll know when something is off balance because in your gut your experience will be that you feel like shit. Whatever “feeling like shit” feels like for you, if some aspect of your life is out of alignment, it will feel like THAT.
Healing brings that back into balance. Thought, emotion, action.
For some, their experiences have been so destructive to their connection with higher self that they have lost touch with their intuition. If this has happened to you, it takes time and work, but you can reconnect with it by listening for it through developing an active meditation practice.
Anyone can do this.
This is not difficult. Don’t make it difficult. It’s hard enough to deal with all the shadow work surrounding this without making this conceptually harder than it is.
This shouldn’t be shrouded in some contrived cloak of mystery.
Too much made up guru-speak floating around out there. Not nearly enough substance or practicality.
Don’t fall for it, Moonie. You don’t need a fucking guru.
People need to know why having control of your full spectrum of brain wave patterns is useful. They tend not to even recognize that this is what we're discussing when we talk about raising your frequency.
THE REASON WHY you’re supposed to be “high vibe” is because it places your brain waves in the gamma state. (I “totes can’t” with this asinine New Age jargon already - it’s like listening to a teenager speak when their parents fail to correct their diction…. “For reals… totes cringe, yo.”)
Gamma brain wave state enables channeling.
Want to get a message from your higher self while you’re still awake?
You go to gamma brain wave state.
Want to do it while you’re sleeping, meditating, shamanic journeying, lucid dreaming, etc.?
That’s alpha bridge to theta.
This is not rocket science.
This is your human experience.
Anyone can do this.
This is your birthright as a human being.
Please don’t let anyone make this harder for you than it is.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Lamb - Gorecki
17 - Making the Right Decisions
39 - Embracing Positive Energies
219 - Selfless By Nature: Always Be Strong
529 - Constant Thinking: Inner Intuition
557 - Make Time For Yourself: Preoccupy Your Mind
742 - Embrace Patience
1534 - Having Visions: Let Wisdom Lead Your Way
4234 - A New Venture: Link Between Personal Development and Work
5552 - Mercy and Grace: Healing What Is Broken
7415 - Express Your Feelings: Discovering Your Deeper Purpose
Oracle Cards:
“Perception. The familiar image of the stage is often used as a metaphor for the human experience. Iconic masks of comedy and tragedy, ancient symbols of theatrical culture, invoke a spectrum of extreme human emotion. Captured here is the vision of an actress. The red of the curtain, her shoes, and flower in her hair combine to intensify the atmosphere of vitality and passion. She holds a feathered mask in her right hand. Her bold and sweeping pose could be communicating many things, but in the absence of words, the audience is left to interpret the relationship between actress and mask through the lens of perception. This card highlights the skill of perception, which encompasses the realm of intuition and extra-sensory perception. It is at work while divining with these Oracle cards, or indeed any system of divination. While the Perception card invites you to be open to its gifts, realize that like the actress, it has
equal power to delude as it does to facilitate clear thinking. Residue from past experiences, the roles we currently play, and our desires and goals for the future can all color the way we perceive. By being mindful of these potential influences,
we can be free from their limitations. Stand back from the play of life as part of the audience, to not only enjoy a better view, but to gain a greater appreciation of the storyline.”
Anders Holte - Lemurian Home Coming
Emiliana Torrini - Gun
Enigma - MCMXC a.D.
Portishead - Sour Times