Clairaudience (Earworm):
Stateless - Inscape
Clairaudience (Phrases in Theta):
“If I got one of those [tablets?], I’d be lucky.”
“Home.” [Repetition.]
“Keep doing what you're doing. It works out.” [Two meanings. One is health related. The other is related to something else undisclosed.]
Oracle Cards:
“Un-Alone. Inky cosmos souls. From whence we came, we return. Un-alone, in love. We are suns, moons, stars, planets, galaxies beyond comprehension, time, and space. We are fluid in nature; shimmering, inky cosmos souls. Etheric soul creatures are amorphous and holographic in nature - light bodies that are boundless in love. Dreams, visions, and epiphanies come to us from our soul groups stationed throughout the universe. You intuitively know this, for we are everything; oneness! The Void, Blackness, Source, All That Is… known by many names is ever-expanding, unlimited. These voids are empty of matter so that life and energy come through to create. Nothing and everything in tandem; the infinite space to create with unlimited capacity.”
“Orca Magick: The Akashic Libraries Open. Orcas are the brilliant, physical, living reservoirs of Earth and galactic history. They are the carriers of wizards on their backs, according to Norse myth, meaning they carry the great sage lines of transformation and transmutation, and can pass this lore along. They hold this history in the patterns of their ancient songs. One day we will translate the songs and understand our own past times. Their bodies, those huge, resonating cavities, store the history of the planet herself. They travel the world’s oceans, singing, clearing, and awakening the energy grid again and again, preserving, reviving, renewing ancestral lines that need to be in place for this planet to be whole and well, now and in the future. For many peoples on the planet, the ancestors are the whales themselves. We came and evolved from the sea. Her health and the health of her creatures are vital to everything here on this blue and green planet. By re-enacting the worship and reverence for the orca – knowing the whale is the hunter, rather than the hunted we will reclaim our birthrights, the starpeople will return, and the world will be a blend of the indigenous and the galactic that will have peace and harmony forever more.”
Orca Magick Speaks: “Earth is currently undergoing a vast initiation. Some have called this an ascension, although what it truly is has nothing to do with high or low, but with an integration of more dimensions, fully awakening your DNA and charging your auric field to a more powerful capacity. Healing, materializing into new forms, and creating will be greatly enhanced at this time. I am observing you from afar and this crossing point is approaching. We whales hold all the knowledge of the starpeople from time eternal, and as we begin to flourish, you will allow the gateways to open and the starbeing within your own soul to flourish. This entire planet’s health, well-being, stability, and structure depend on us, the whales. You have begun the healing process, but it is we who must next be respected, honoured, and allowed to live – for your life depends on our freedom and flourishing too.”
Divination: “The whales are a key to unlocking the mysteries of the past history of the planet, including the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, and of the off-planet origins of some life on this planet. When this card comes to you, you are being given a strong message that you are the keeper of galactic mysteries and you have a strong starperson connection. Starpeople are connected to the growing need to connect to the changes you are making will make you virtually invisible to troubles and harmful others who once would disturb you. This immersion is the road to real rebirth. All will change, and you will finally be fully alive to your true self.”
“Light As Matter. Shapeless light takes shape within your matter. Radiate it out. Don’t get stuck in the particle-hard state. Instead, be aware. Smile. Laugh! Tap back into the light wave state of your soul and let that inform your mental, emotional, and physical experience. Be the expansiveness with you and there you will find freedom from dense constraints. At any time, we can choose to shift our perspective and move into a different state of being. If you find yourself becoming quite frustrated with your life experiences, ask, “How can I see this differently and make changes that align with my highest good?”
158 - Season of Harvest: Control Your Life
222 - Spiritual Presence of Independence, Diplomacy, and Sense of Duty
345 - Live Your Dream: Consistency Matters
364 - Wise and Intelligent: Appreciate Your Life
438 - Achieve All You Can In Life: Never Hold Yourself Back
676 - Strive For More: Reflecting On Your Progress
746 - Care For Others
1044 - Power of Ambition: Take Action and Change
1111 - Think More About What You Want
4447 - Hang On: The Promise Is Almost
Aurai - Hiraeth
Black Sabbath - Time Machine
Groove Armada - Hands of Time
Empyrean Throne - Chaosborne
Forhill & oDDling - Supernal
NF - Time
Phaeleh (feat. Soundmouse) - Afterglow
The Rolling Stones - Time is On My Side
Tarot Cards:
“Justice. Father William stands on his head, balancing the scales of fairness between his feet. Behind him are the pillars that uphold truth. The curtain represents the blindness of justice, or ultimate fairness. Father William learned early on that when life is lived only to prolong itself, then it is merely existence with no meaning. All things must balance. Justice is the light side of yin and yang. Equanimity. A psyche in perspective. A fair solution. Logic in life and deeds. Impartiality. Good advice and firmness of character.”