Sentences I Never Thought I Would Say Or Hear: Volume Three (A Writing Contest)
In Which I Say and Hear All Kinds of Bizarre Things, You Use Those Things As Writing Prompts, and The Winner Takes Glory, Bragging Rights, and a Free Year Of The Starfire Codes on Substack....
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THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the participants for playing my game with me and making this an absolute blast!! 🙏🏻💜💫
🎉🥳🎉 Congratulations!!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Use one or more of these collected sentences in a story, a script, a piece of original music, or a poem that you write.
No editing the prompts. They must remain intact.
Post a link to the story, poem, music, or script you have written in the comments of this article so I can find them and so that others may enjoy reading these too.
This link you provide will serve as your “entry.”
The link must be listed in the comments of this article below in order to qualify as an entry.
I will read all of these and choose a winner. I am a human being. I promise nothing but my own subjectivity as a judge. It’s the best I’ve got, so it will have to do.
You may comment as much as you like, but only enter one piece for consideration. I only have one me, so unless one of you can clone me, you are only allowed to enter once.
The winner gets glory, bragging rights, and a free year of SFC on Substack.
You have until March 31, 2024, to submit your entry in the comments below.
After that, I will create another post in which I will link all of the entries and announce the winners.
And without further ado, here’s the list for Volume Three….
Sentences I Never Thought I Would Say
Time stretched and fit more time in itself.
This perfume is all treble, no bass.
Groucho, Harpo, Zeppo, Chico.... Aleppo? Karl... Richard....
You have to make it scarier for them to acknowledge it. Platypi are venomous. You have to start a psyop connected to platypi venom and then create a Hegelian dialectic surrounding our dire need to be protected from platypi venom. Then they will cop to it.
Who is letting orcs have writing implements?! What is going on in this world?!
Giver edopy an peroceat. Words to live by.
You’ll have to decline giver edopy an peroceat and see what happens. FAFO.
Smoldering cauldron of the bones of our enemies, enriched with word salad with just a pinch of WTF. Serve piping hot.
If I forget the spice, I can't wear Uggs and a hat while bending space-time.
Sentences I Never Thought I Would Hear
It was a combo of things. At times it was just marveling that I had read so many pages without him using an e!! Variations on the theme of no eee!!
I made a commitment to my fish. So I'm gonna go home and walk my fish.
It's something really specific. Like an eyeball model. Their eyeball is highly sought after.
“Mohe Be Poçtklie Popcilents.” It’s a rule.
I have a doctor appointment at 12:30. I hope he does not giver me an peroceat. But he has to. It's the rules.
I want to see Tucker Carlson interview Vladimir Putin, but in between them, in the background, is a giant picture of the Hamburglar, and no one acknowledges it.
I was not expecting crunchy rocks!
When I am cooking my thought-soup, disembodied voices say, "Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
It looks like a birdcage inhabited by a coke-addicted parrot!
Or maybe, “My cloaca hurts.”
Special thanks to all winners and participants, , , , , and TaoistSage.
Here ya go...
Yep, I worked one into a story in the TDT... 😉
“I need coffee before you turn my brain into a trip toy.”
I was wondering how someone would use this sentence prompt in a story. Congratulations Michelle! Love it!