Say Yes to Change: Divine Royalty Jump In and Sing at the Turning Point to Control the Darkness Where Dreams Come True
Channeled Messages 10-13-2021
A note on channeled messages: If you are reading this message, trust that you were guided here. Please use your own intuition to discern what meaning this message has for you. The ways I bring in messages take on a lot of forms. I use lucid dreaming, meditation, channeling, automatic writing, remote viewing, tarot, numerology, claircognizance, clairaudience, and shufflemancy. Often the messages I receive from each will intersect or cluster into greater meanings. I'm not here to tell you how to interpret the meaning. I am here to give you the message as I heard it and to encourage you to go inward and find your own meaning based on whatever it is I have presented.
Automatic Writing:
Refocus. Sing. You can control the darkness. And then nothing bad is looming. Because there is a protective bubble around you. And nothing can get in it. And you're safe despite what else is happening around you. So if you slide down a chute and have to come back around, maybe something was looming and you escaped it.
"In the absence of light and hope, we sing."
203 - Cultivate Positivity Full Time
332 - Be More Ambitious
366 - Trust the Process: Dreams Come True
771 - Work On Your Spirituality: Your Spiritual Life Is Important
961 - Sign of a Better Future: Appreciate Yourself
1044 - Power of Ambition: Take Action and Change
1066 - Essential Motivation: Greatness and Mindset
1222 - A Sign of Great Things
2300 - Taking Accountability for Changing Your Circumstances
5311 - Inner Strength: Divine Royalty
Oracle Cards:
Frou Frou - Let Go
Gustav Holst - Venus: The Bringer of Peace
The HU - Wolf Totem
Lone Justice - Dreams Come True (Stand Up and Take It)
Lord Huron - The Night We Met
Sleep Token - The Offering
Telepopmusik - Breathe
Special thanks to Sophia.