Predictive Programming: Down the Rabbit Hole Volume One
Here, we take a deep dive into what predictive programming is and how it functions.
The following is Part One of our Down the Rabbit Hole research series, which you can find more information on here:
These deep dives are not meant to be comprehensive. Rather, they are meant to present you with enough information to get you started thinking about and researching a topic that was of interest to us in order to encourage learning, curiosity, and autodidacticism. Please feel free to share and utilize these posts and the information herein as a springboard to find out more and come to your own conclusions.
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Watch this nine minute compilation clip of a film from 1979 called The Hamburg Syndrome. Notice the many similarities, synchronicities, and parallels that this film has with our current situation.
It is nothing short of shocking how similar this film is to what is occurring right now. A bit too similar, right?
So, let’s discuss what predictive programming is. Researcher Alan Watt first described predictive programming: “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”
Here, Alan Watt discusses the phenomenon in more detail:
Let’s move to another area of parallel interest.
We know that these films cost a lot of money to make. The Sony hack proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is black ops money that moves from Washington to Hollywood to create films that do exactly what Alan Watt is saying here. The goal seems to be to affect aggregate consciousness in such a profound way that the media can be utilized to alter the way we perceive reality… and once we take actions that match those perceptions, the actions on a massive scale alter reality itself.
Part of this is predictive programming in which they tell us what they plan to do to us ahead of time in order to manufacture or claim consent when no one objects because these statements are so muddled in symbolism that most people are never taught that they don't speak the language enough to see the plan. This is sometimes referred to as “Revelation of the Method.” But also it's utilized to infect the public consciousness - thoughts become things and they use the public consciousness to harness your will in order to manifest the outcome they desire.
Some media is disclosure, some is predictive programming, some is outright manifestation through the manipulation of belief. It's tightly controlled because controlling the most expansive method for dissemination of ideas impacts consensus reality. Altering ideas on a wide scale alters consciousness and molds the outcome.
I have to get esoteric here. Bear with me. Because this is what's happening and it's WEIRD but important.
At the quantum level, the perception of one person is enough to alter the way a wave collapses into a particle based on expectation, observation, measurement.
If enough people believe in something, it has a tendency to manifest in that direction based upon combined will and the suppositions we already hold collectively as beliefs which govern our universe. However, when understood, this can be used to bring about good OR it can be used as a trap.
My first knee jerk response when I was told about the illness was to say, "Don't give it weight or we will group manifest it."
I was on the right track of how to think about this. Unfortunately, I was over 2000 years too late.
Most of humanity is group manifesting various versions of the Bible due to perception and belief having a direct effect upon measurable results. And the Bible was changed in order to corral or channel those manifestations.
If you're a bad actor, what better way to control everyone at the quantum level than to take the thing most of them already believe, play into it, and flip it on its head to exert your own will, to utilize it not as a prophecy but as a playbook?
Even if you think it's being done at a psychological level, at the level of self-fulfilling prophecy, it's still effective.
But evidence of ritual proves that is not what these bad actors believe - and that is what is most important here. You have to *understand* what your enemy believes in order to be able to fight.
The original covid ritual was performed at the 2012 olympics. With thousands of hospital beds in an empty stadium, with imagery of 5G towers (not to confer radiation but used to heighten surveillance by controlling the IoT/IoB) and the lit up image of a giant coronavirus at the top of the stadium.
The following is a short compilation of the opening ceremony:
Exposing the ways tech in the media is used to manipulate people makes people less likely to fall for it. It doesn't stop people from creating new ways to manipulate people. It's more like a consciousness arms race.
A few years ago, barely anyone knew what predictive programming was. They're still mostly unaware. But more and more people are seeing it now. The more actively they engage, the less they are passively affected. That's a win.
“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” – Marshall McLuhan
I like to stay solution focused so I’m going to offer a few ideas. If you’d like to add to these, please drop us a line in the comments.
Want to really flip the script? The most effective way is by producing and disseminating content.
No one really understands the power of these tools. I think with deepfakes they're starting to get it, but this was always the way. Deepfakes are a threat to society. But that means we have to understand what it is and how it functions. We have to be as aware of it as possible in order to counter the effects. The best way to do that is to show it to people, highlight what it does, and break it in front of them so they can see how it works.
Breaking the media exposes it. You have to understand it to break it in a way that makes sense. The way propaganda works is seamlessness. You don't see the holes and you're kept within the world the media creator has constructed through willing suspension of disbelief. When you intentionally break the medium, you break the spell. Super powerful. You're breaking cultural spells.
Juxtaposition was how Eisenstein created propaganda. If you don't understand the grammar of the media, you have no clue how you're being manipulated. Media affects expectation. It affects consciousness.
The most powerful tool to alter reality is the media because it so strongly alters perspective. It’s spellcasting. The more you see it, the less likely you are to be manipulated by it. The more you understand it, the better you will be at cracking it open in front of others so that they will start to understand it too. The more people understand, the more we develop an immunity to this type of manipulation as a culture.
When the masses became content creators, the world began to wake up. This isn't a coincidence. People began to become conscious of the fact that they are literally co-creating reality.
Much of it has been empty and ego driven. But people realize there is an inherent value in how many people see and "like" their ideas. When an idea resonates and permeates mass consciousness, it alters reality.
If you learn to utilize it correctly, you can have a wide impact. Do it effectively and that means altering reality.
Additional resources: