PPSD? Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder... wait, WHAT?! NO, You Do NOT Have "PPSD." You Have Heart Problems Because You Took The Shot.
Stop trying to shift the narrative to squeeze out a few more jabs. You're embarrassing yourselves.
An article was sent to me which makes the claim that “up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder.”
Wait… PPSD?!
You can’t be serious….
Wait… is this Babylon Bee? Nope. Not the Bee….
I’m sorry but, what the actual FUCK is PPSD…?!
I look up this alphabet soup NONSENSE, and of course I am confronted by a barrage of Operation Mockingbird-style “coverage” of this magical new “diagnosis” which has emerged out of nowhere which uses stress fairies to explain away actual measurable physical symptoms that are occurring as a result of the shot.
No. Fuck. Stress fairies would make MORE sense than this.
This particular article (because Holy Ever-loving Monkey Fuck are there hundreds of them that have somehow suddenly materialized out of the ether of the predictive programming mass stupidity that is the media madness soup we are immersed in on a daily basis) says, “a former senior NHS psychological therapist and founder of EASE Wellbeing CIC, said that as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from PPSD, thanks to stress and anxiety caused by the effects of Covid-19.”
According to the article, the therapist said: “PPSD is a very real problem on a massive scale. [FUCK?! WHAT?!] As well as the condition itself with all its immediate problems, one of the biggest collateral issues is the affect it can have on heart health. It is widely recognized that reducing stress and mental health problems is crucial to the prevention and recovery of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes. We are talking about as many as 300,000 new patients with heart issues.”
He adds, “Everyone has heard of PTSD but we really urgently need to get our heads around PPSD.”
Cute. Real cute. You’re piggybacking off of something real to sell your idea. No shame.
Oh wait… what’s that?
He “warned that without at least doubling the current funding, the NHS will not be able to tackle the “trauma timebomb”, which could have potentially fatal consequences for those suffering with long-term PPSD.”
Oh. He’s looking for funding based on the fear of a condition that isn’t able to be proven. Right. Of course he is. We’ll need that money to prove it isn’t, right?
Really?! Seriously?!
How is this headline not Researcher Wants Funding To Prove Dx He Got Out Of A Cracker Jack Box?
That’s about all this article amounts to when you remove the sensationalism from the equation.
Let’s be real: Everyone is under stress after 2020 and 2021.
Is everyone dropping dead of sudden onset of magical stress-induced alphabet soup?
No. Just the people who took the shot.
We’ve already covered that part extensively. We’ll recap the links in the additional resources section below in which we prove over and over and over again that the data show an illness spike that occurs post shot roll out at a one to one match to the literal day. Every. Fucking. Time.
So unless you’re saying THE SHOT is causing heart stress, this is nonsense.
Let’s have a cure for the nonsense, at least, if we can’t get cures for literally anything else: I can raise you one and give you a real solution as to why this could be happening that doesn’t include fundraising for some bizarre narrative about magical deadly stress.
Investigative journalism requires doing one’s homework, which is severely frowned upon in this climate of narrative control parading around in the reanimated flesh of what journalism once was.
And there’s already a much better idea circulating amongst ACTUAL JOURNALISTS (which I define as those who are doing the real brave work you aren’t because you’re too scared to lose your livelihood by telling the truth).
This idea explains why we’re seeing cases of myocarditis, clots, and strokes. And it has nothing to do with this manufactured stress condition that no one can see or prove.
And, to add insult to literal injury, the PhD trying to tell us why it was happening was allegedly killed after doing so. And talking about it got me the added bonus parting gift of being unceremoniously deplatformed from Twitter.
You probably won’t die of magic. But it’s sure as fuck possible to die of Incurable Stupid. (I’m going to need a funding windfall to study that.)
So, which do you think it is…?
Magical stress that needs a funding windfall for doctor-so-and-so?
Or the well-researched thorough explanation offered by an activated carbon expert who was allegedly killed for saying he can PROVE there are one atom thick activated carbon “razor blades” in every single shot that isn’t saline?
Choose wisely. Not falling for bullshit could save your life.
Cold weather now, too?!?! How were were able to survive cold climates for hundreds of thousands of years?
What is is next? Hugs?!?!
JFC. Get bent, MSM.
Additional resources:
Chudov, I. Post Pandemic Stress Disorder Covers up Vaccine Injuries. Mysterious "PPSD" causing blood clots and embolisms. Igor’s Newsletter.
Kaschak, E. Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder. The next pandemic will be psychological. Psychology Today.
Pietchell, D. All on the Carnival ship got the shot. And yet, there's an outbreak. Again. Are we noticing a pattern yet? Because we damn well should be.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. A Shocking Difference Between Israel and Palestine... and the Curious Case of the HMS Queen Elizabeth. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Clean data will make you rethink everything. If you don't know, now you know. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Court Orders FDA To Release Pfizer Shot Data. FDA requests that court keeps info confidential for 55 years. Court responds by ordering FOIA compliance with the release of 500 documents per month. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Cultural Shadow Work: What Happens When Groupthink Supersedes IQ? While Jim Jones sips his Kool-Aid and gloats, the Pied Piper of Pfizer says, “Hold my beer.” The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Doublespeak, Part Two: Consider the Word Choices of Others Very Carefully. You might assume someone is talking about a certain group of people when they mean another group entirely. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Doublespeak: What exactly is meant by "High Risk" and "Low Risk?" And why is it so important to your health and safety to think through the messaging? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Effects of Geomagnetic Activity Upon Human Health. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Everything You Need To Know About THE SHOT But Were Taught To Be Afraid To Ask. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. FBI investigates "smallpox" vials "found in lab," media responds by attempting to create panic on the heels of insanely suspicious Gates warning about "smallpox terror attacks." DHS leadership issued an alert that FBI and CDC are looking into "questionable" vials labeled "smallpox" found in a Merck freezer. Remember, contagion was NEVER PROVEN. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Gibraltar and Iceland chime in.... Spoiler Alert: It's the same pattern we just saw in Taiwan and Israel.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Hindsight is 2020: The Contagion Emperor Is Naked. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Hindsight is 2020: The Medical Industry. How much do you really know about the history of modern medicine? Down the Rabbit Hole Volume Three, Part One. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. How To Survive the Death Window in the Dark Age of the Myocarditis Mass Murders. We predict the peak death window will be from August 2022 through December 2023. Are you prepared? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. In Taiwan, the case numbers spike in tandem with the spike in shots. What does this data tell you?! The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Now, let's look at Nigeria. Nigeria has had fewer than 40 deaths in last the four months. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Survive Biotoxin Illness: CIRS and the Clotshot. How Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and the Clotshot are Related and What You Need To Know To Help Protect Yourself and Your Family. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. UK ONS data reveals 30,305 people dead within 21 days of the shot. Official United Kingdom Office for National Statistics data reveals 30,305 people died within 21 days of shot in England during first 6 months of 2021. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Western Society Passes Through The Cultural Crucible: Critical Mass Tipping Point Achieved. We're finally here. People en masse are starting to understand. The rest of you: Kindly wake the fuck up already. This is why we can't have nice things. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. What No One Is Asking: Where Are All The People? O'Looney says deaths jumped 250% with the shot roll out. Vaxxidents have increased. Snyder reports a worldwide labor shortage. Are we witnessing the beginnings of societal collapse? The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. Who Watches the Watchers? Down the Rabbit Hole Volume Two. It's high time we fact checked the fact checkers.... The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. World's First Killshot Murder Trial: India Charges Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, Seeks Death Penalty. The Indian Bar Association (IBA) reports that murder charges were filed in India’s High Court. The Starfire Codes.
Pietchell, D. World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation: Down the Rabbit Hole, Volume Four. Class warfare is culture, not agenda. Gaslighting is the art of linguistic transmutation. The Starfire Codes.
Rhein, N. Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder: What It Is and How to Manage It. WDET.
Scagliusi, A. What Is Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder? How to Spot the Signs, and What to Do Next. Vogue.
Women’s Health. 7 Signs of Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, That You Should Be Aware Of. 'A lot of people have experienced some degree of trauma this past year.' Women’s Health.