Plandemonium Premonitions: Cargo Ships, Crematoria, Frankenfood, Unsafe Roads and Flights
Group Threat Assessment Brainstorming Sessions Produce Strange Cluster of Group Predictions, 10-8-2021 through 10-11-2021
A note on channeled messages: If you are reading this message, trust that you were guided here. Please use your own intuition to discern what meaning this message has for you. The ways I bring in messages take on a lot of forms. I use lucid dreaming, meditation, channeling, automatic writing, remote viewing, tarot, numerology, claircognizance, clairaudience, and shufflemancy. Often the messages I receive from each will intersect or cluster into greater meanings. I'm not here to tell you how to interpret the meaning. I am here to give you the message as I heard it and to encourage you to go inward and find your own meaning based on whatever it is I have presented.
My friends and I use a chat app to perpetuate an ongoing discussion. On a particular day, just after someone in the group had had a dream we felt was important which involved multiple versions of me talking to him in the same place at once, I began to sense that our group was starting to expand consciousness toward one another to the point where we could sense each other and it was going to begin to effect us in ways we hadn’t anticipated.
Around the same time I started feeling this, a tarot reading came up as I was using the YouTube app for shufflemancy. I knew it was, for me as a part of the collective viewing this particular reading that my energy had been looped into, something that explained what was happening to my group as we were beginning to sense one another. So I sent it to them.
San Tarot: Aquarius - Assembling a crew of Magicians.
I mention that I feel like we are clustering up, the sum greater than the parts.
If you get enough expanded consciousness people together who actually do the work, it's bound to happen.
Sure enough, I start to receive confirmation of this in strange ways over the course of the next 24 hours.
I’ll recap what the discussions covered and then we’ll move into the premonitions.
The accounts of the premonitions are from the anonymous points of view of those who had them.
After the tarot video, one of my fellow chat admins posted this video, published by an account called Freedom Dobermans on Brighteon. The title is listed as, “GET READY FOR WHAT IS COMING - THE VAXXED ARE GOING TO DIE AND WE HAVE TO BURY THEM - BE THE RESISTANCE.”
In the ensuing conversation, we discussed that this video was mostly an accurate threat assessment. If you filter out the parts tinted through the lens of religious perspective, the rest of the information presented is objective given what we know and how we would assume most would prepare for that. We discussed that, indeed, FEMA already has the bodybags he mentions.
Someone mentions that there was a good channel on TikTok for a while which featured a guy who did warehouse work who had a few videos showing pallets of these bodybags.
I mention that I've personally seen photos of the bodybags which I do have in my possession but made a promise never to share. [I won’t go back on my promise, so you’ll have to take my word for it. Or don’t. Either way, they’re not mine to give.]
Someone mentions that the bodybags could be a fear element, that perhaps they figured people would start talking about it.
Someone asks, “Can't we burn the dead? Not to be the dick in the group, but come on.…”
There were no objections to the inquiry. We all thought this was a reasonable thing to ask.
Someone says, “That burn pile would be huge.”
“I've always thought burying the dead was foolish, especially after a 2-week career in funeral services where I saw how they make money.”
We begin wondering what temperature the pyre would need to reach to kill hydra, parasites, and prions.
“As long as there is no threat of toxin inhalation from the smoke. Oh - and they release biotoxins when they are threatened just like mold. So my assessment of what's happening on the planes - I FINALLY found the missing piece to that. There's the answer. Industrial incinerators.”
“Hmm. And what temperature do incinerators get to? I know the standard autoclave temperature and pressure cleaning will not do above 900 for several hours. My kilns can do well above 1300.... but they aren't for prions. But metal.”
“We can always put them all in the trunks of Elon's cars and rocket them into space.”
“My dad was a mortician for many many years.”
“It would have to. That makes sense. Many bodies are infectious anyway, even before now. China had mobile crematoria. Is he looking to build a new business empire? This is an unfulfilled dire need.”
“I wish, he passed last December.”
“I'm so sorry. Sending you love.”
“I still have connections in the funeral industry though….”
“If you know some of them definitely didn't take the shot and have the mental fortitude to be prepared for this ahead of time, might be time to make some calls. Really, a fleet of mobile crematoria sounds ideal. BUT we have to be cognizant of the roads. Might not be able to get through, as we can see from these videos. Clearing the roads is also going to be big business. Anyone relying upon deliveries once the roads get that bad... nope.”
“I will call my buddy that runs the crematory see if my dads company that he worked for made it mandatory for the vax?? Knowing him he would tell them to F off!! He might just be the person... him and I started out in the death business together picking up bodies bout 25yrs ago.”
“Great!! Let me know what you guys come up with - it's going to be so important!! We can't rewind time. But we can do what we can to make the rest of this go smoothly. Have to focus on what we can do. We should all really be thinking about ideas to make the places where we live self-sustaining. There will be no riding it out otherwise. The peak death window will be August 2022 - December 2023. So the goal is to be all set before next summer.”
“I'm not sure there are enough tracks left for the train to make it that far, at their current rate of doubling down on the narrative and people starting to notice the glitches….”
“This is based on Montagnier's notes. He was saying 18 months to 3 years from roll out. So I based it on January 2021 as rollout because that was the soonest most had the shot available.”
“This is why I look at the vertical and hydroponic farming. Long term... it's going to be profitable. When global and national level food is controlled... rogue farming will be needed. Initially, it'll be needed to not fall into the trap of eating the ‘government’ food.…”
“But if you don't eat their food, you will not get your daily dose of anti-Covid medicine….”
“We may see rioting prior to the death window. But SHTF for sure is the death window. That's immovable.”
At this point, someone provides a purchase link for a mobile crematorium. Apparently, these are readily available through Alibaba.
“I don't think I'm familiar with the notes, when are they from? Were boosters included in the timeline? It all seems to be accelerating to the point where things will fall apart well ahead of the window, unless that's what they wanted.”
“Window just accounts for the breakdown of the immune system based on the timeline of a regular two dose protocol administered starting 1/2021. Boosters would speed it up. Coming into contact with CV in the environment would speed it up. I just had weird deja vu.”
“I wonder if they'll come out and say, ‘Hey, we fucked up. Now you're all gonna die without this treatment.’”
“They'll never take direct blame.”
“It's possible. But it would be toward the end of the window to make it look heroic and to try to account for why certain people are still alive who should be dead.”
“Once the veil drops, it drops.”
“Agreed. You can't unflip the weird switch.”
“This matches Demi’s forecasted dates for next year.”
“F.... Never thought about making a portable kiln, but at those prices.... If it's only 1800F. Nichrome wire easily gets to this. There are higher temps. And the heating fiber mats and sheet steel aren't expensive at all and can be acquired quickly locally.... The real issue is most places don't have a good clay or firebrick source.”
I’m paying attention to what they’re saying. I’m also shuffling a deck of cards. I leave all of the decks out on my kitchen island and kind of grab them to shuffle at random as I feel the need.
It’s become sort of half waiting for corroboration as ideas fly out of the decks that correspond with what we’re saying, half nervous habit.
Especially when we’re talking about shit that’s starting to make me nervous….
You know… because talking about all of this is at all fucking normal….
So, I happen to be shuffling the Tao Oracle and a single card flies out of the deck onto the counter top.
I see the words “the sum is greater than the parts.” I said these exact words earlier when I posted the tarot reading.
I see the streams of water… consciousness… are converging into a greater body of water where they pool together at the bottom of the rock formation. “Combining forces.” Huh….
“The same message came out again. This ended up having a double meaning I would never have anticipated two hours ago. Mind blown. I will write about it in the morning. Good night, guys. It's the cazimi now. Pluto/Eris/Mercury T-square of epiphanies that were hiding in front of your face. (What I need to write in the morning is another of these.) Then 10/10 portal. And then Saturn goes direct right after.”
The Next Morning:
“I just awoke from having a dream about figuring out how to incinerate dead bodies to see the conversation. WTF is going on?”
“Guidance. What do you remember about the dream? I was suspecting that this might start to happen. Go back to the medium I posted yesterday and the image of the tarot card. Additionally, some of us are already filtering into each other's dreams with information for the others. So I thought this might happen. We've all clustered up energetically, I think. I don't really have a better way to describe that. I hope it makes sense. Making sure we're all on the same page with this. If you're unsure how any of this works, it's not magic. It's real. It's just suppressed information that you have to seek out to find because the usual suspects don't want everyone to know that literally everyone is able to do this. It's part of being human. Read this, please. Whether you have a strong knack for it or not, or whether you'd like to spend the time to develop a knack for it, will affect your results. Think of it as you would being an athlete. The majority of people have the physical ability to run, but you can have innate talent, you can work at it, both, or neither. Same thing applies. If you remember specifics, make sure you loop in the others. Also, it’s proof your intuition is on point or you wouldn't have perceived this energy. Keep going and trust.”
“.....for however long it takes to run at 1800F....”
“A few hours?”
“1800F for the size of a body along with quick ramp time. I would assume 240v at 90a - max per shielded heat area (so you don't waste the heat).... just a guess though. Haven't uh. Ever tried to build a kiln that large.... Never thought about how to burn a body let alone prions before. If you were putting something inexpensive together... it would take most of a normal home’s power panel. And would take multiples of these to get the job done with c.o.t.s. parts on Amazon... and you can find all these parts in other places because... c.o.t.s. (at least until supply chain fails).”
The speaker provides links for nickel chromium resistance wire, an Inkbird PID temperature controller kit, a pack of firebricks, and a tub of furnace cement….
“And then I would get the fiberglass matting to wrap it. And then enclose it in steel with stands off the ground or whatever it rests on. Coil the wire to have higher density. A router cuts firebrick no problems. They actually make ceramic standoffs to hold wire. Something this long and wide probably needs that too. Depending on how big and the weight of the body it usually takes 3-4 hours to burn a body in a crematorium.”
“After several hours of crematorium talk... I have to.…”
I see I’m not the only one being affected by this.
We come back around to discussing the dream.
“I remember what the structures looked like for sure. Not sure what good that will do? I can still see them in my head.”
“Try to draw and label it if you can? Worth a shot. And interesting metaphysically regardless.”
“My drawing is not great, but yeah, I have a very clear picture in my head.”
“Just do the best you can. I suck at drawing too. The notes next to the images will help and we'll be able to tune into it on another frequency to visualize what you meant. Don't worry about drawing quality.”
“Demi suggested I share the following with you… Again, death everywhere. People crying, walking around in shock, in a daze. It accepting what was happening. A man was talking to me saying we had to do something. I suggested burning the bodies to be safe. Someone, or him, I don’t know who, showed me what to build to do the job. They looked like Mongolian yurts. Cylindrical structures with a sloping top that has a tiny stovepipe appendage on top. Below is some space under the floor for the fuel or heat source. Two doors 180 deg from each other. I think some versions had a forklift type setup on them. Stackable. They sat inside a kind of box made of piping that made them stackable. This make sense?”
A Channeled Message About Cargo Ships:
“Any kind of food preservation skill is good to know, especially if we have supply chain issues like a billion freaking cargo ships stuck in the water or if you live somewhere that gets cold. And even if you don't... once GSM hits full force, you likely will anyway. Hmm. Anyone else thinking maybe those cargos are in the water so no one can bring a club-K in? If you're unfamiliar, read through the articles under this topic in chronological order. Are there sniffers up over the ships?”
“You would wish that there were. You’d wish that the ‘decision makers’ would listen to the scrubs (that actually plan and watch this stuff) pleading for budget money to scan those ships 24/7. To steal a Clancy quote. IF they have one or two as overwatch, ‘They’re moving so fast that they wouldn’t hear my daughter’s stereo.’ Sorry for the doom and gloom. Fed is paying as much attention to this as they have Del Rio….”
“Hmm. If you are a state owned and operated shipping company and you know there's a bazillion ship backlog, why are you still sending ships if they're just going to get tied up in the water? Makes no sense unless you want them in the water. If not Club-K needle in a haystack sitch like we had the summer before, potentially Trojan Navy? Both, I think. It's both. Drones, DEWs, EMPs. The container traffic feels like a Trojan horse. It would be a perfect Trojan horse. Think it through. You're a business owner. Tying up your ships like that, your personnel, your resources - this would FUCK you with your processing abilities, your delivery abilities, on time, reputation, reliability. Someone wants those ships in that water and paid to leave them there. And who the fuck is going to notice unless they've run their own business at some point and they stop for a second to think it through? Logistics is high barrier to entry. There's no way. That's mil. That's not commercial.”
A Channeled Message About Unsafe Flying and Driving:
“There seems to be a significant increase of accidents in my area - there was a pretty serious one last week or so, bunch of cars involved.”
“Even chartering a private flight, it's difficult to get one with two non-GMO pilots. And the proximity exposure by now from shedding and pheromonal transmission would be through the roof. The majority of the freak outs we are seeing, ostensibly prion related, are on planes, likely due to biotoxins rapidly proliferating when exposed to high altitude radiation levels inside a giant metal cylinder. So, the pilots who took the jab, after hours and hours and hours of exposure over the course of accrued flight miles, are basically ticking time bombs. So, sure, flying commercial sounds like a great idea. I highly recommend it. Question: ‘Is it really that bad to do the thing Demi told me emphatically not to do after several billion hours of research?’ Answer: ‘You have your own free will. Go right ahead.’ Looks fun, huh? Prions are the best. In a few months, this is what the roads will be like. Guys, I love you. Very much. Please take your own safety and security as seriously as I do. It's not fucking ok. I make jokes because my gallows humor is through the fucking roof right now, but let's be serious for a minute. What good does it do to avoid the jab if you guys are going to systematically expose yourselves to every jab zombie threat there is and win a Darwin award for your troubles? What kind of sense does that make? Other people made SHIT choices that put YOU in the hot seat to have to be hypervigilant while their brains literally deteriorate. Sorry to say it that way. It is what it is. So you can have your job for two years and chances are you die anyway? You guys are brilliant. Literally brilliant. If you have to pivot to avoid danger, I am sure you will figure it out. But don't put yourselves in harm's way on purpose. That's not how we survive. Wanting to pretend it's the before times won't make it so. Driving is better for now but eventually we'll hit the death window and I'm going to be honest with you - by the midpoint of that, there will be accidents that no one can move off the roads fast enough because too many people are dead. There is so much we're not being told.”
Frankenfood Dream Premonition:
“Another dream. They’re engineering all the food. Chimeras for meat, crossed with cows to increase size, patentable, they were tinkering with us too. Even plants. So ‘they’ were splicing cow genes into pigs and chickens to make them bigger while engineering humans to be smaller so they requires fewer calories. This was happening with fruit and veggies plants to increase the size of food. Everything was patented. I’m trying to remember some details that are now fuzzy. It woke me up from a sound sleep. All our food was like this, controlled by corporations. Have you read The Windup Girl? I felt like I was in that novel a bit. Species of plants and animals controlled by patents held by companies. Calorie companies were de facto running the world. Governments were used by them to enforce policy to give the appearance of legitimacy.”
Marburg and Ricin Dream Premonition:
“I don’t know what the fuck this is, but I received this text after I had a dream about it: ‘Ladies and gentlemen. I would like you to prepare emotionally and spiritually for what is to unfold here on Earth. The next plandemic will be the Marburg virus. This is a bleeding fever similar to Ebola with a death rate of 88%. Now don't worry, those pushing this agenda won't release anything that would kill them. This is going to be fake Marburg. Many of the injured Covid vaccines show clots and uncontrollable bleeding. This will be claimed to be Marburg. GAVI and the WEF are already making announcements about the virus. They have already developed a PCR test for Marburg, even though there is no official 'pandemic' yet. Even more worrying is that they are already reviewing a ‘vaccine’ for Marburg. Even more disturbing is that the main ingredient of the new vaccine is ricin. One of the most poisonous poisons on Earth. They will let the vaccinated travel worldwide this Christmas. They need a cover for people who are bringing 'the virus' back to their homeland. A new pandemic will be declared, they will claim that there is asymptomatic spread. The media will pump fear harder than we've ever seen. People will go crazy believing there is a pandemic of something with an 88% chance of bleeding and dying. At this stage, jabs will be mandatory and the police and military detectives will try full force to ‘save humanity’ and drag people who refuse the Marburg vaccine into the now-built concentration camps to be forcibly injected. The ricin ‘vaccine’ is the real death shot and there will be billions of people lining up and fighting to be at the front of the line. If you think you've seen panic during Covid, multiply that by 20 or 30X by what's planned and coming.’ I had a VERY elaborate dream about ricin last week and in my dream I was like, 'Why? This doesn't seem related to the pandemic at ALL. I don't understand why they're making it.' It was similar to the one I had re: germanium. I got nothin’. Just documenting.”
A few hours later, someone else posts this exact text message into the chat, verbatim.
I say, “This has been making the rounds. Also, one of you had a dream about it. I think we should be paying attention to anything this crew is dreaming about that stands out to the dreamer, personally. You've all been having strange prophetic dreams. And I know they're on point - one of them was about me and I was able to confirm what it was. Write them down, guys. They might be important. They might keep us safe. I was having dreams about buildings dropping right before 9/11 and left the city. I was seeing a therapist for it and told a ton of people why I was leaving - all of this is on record. It's important. Don't let anyone convince you out of your gifts. We can all do it - expanded consciousness is literally part of being human. It's not a differentiaing factor - it's owning up to who we are. All 7 billion of us - while there still ARE 7 billion of us. Make it count, guys. Start piping up. Do it for everyone who got duped - in their honor - so that no one gets duped again.”
Special thanks to Real Talk.