Check out this graph.
We see here there have been 2,192 Covid-19 deaths in Nigeria with 207 million people. 0.6% of the Nigerian population have received both shots. Nigeria has had fewer than 40 deaths in last the four months.
In the USA, we have had 630,000 deaths with 338 million people. According to data, which may or not not be skewed to encourage people to take the shot through peer pressure, 70% of adults in the United States have taken both shots - a massive increase.
This is the same pattern we’ve seen in Gibraltar, Taiwan, Israel, and Iceland - a spike in shots begets a spike in Covid cases. We saw the same pattern on the HMS Queen Elizabeth and on Carnival cruise lines.
We saw the opposite pattern in Palestine, right next to Israel. While we see a spike in cases in Israel, we see no such thing in Palestine where the population did not receive the shot. In Israel, they did.
What’s it going to take for all of you to realize that the spike in cases directly correlates with the spike in shots?
Wake up.