Don't spoil it for me but the girl is really an alternate universe version of Coleman or Phisto isn't it!

In all seriousness though, this was quite good I like how much thought you put into it, and how our decisions could have such an impact on our futures. Your wisdom really shined through in this article Demi.

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Thanks! I appreciate it! And I assure you that is neither female Coleman nor female Phisto. 🤣🤣🤣

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Hahahaha, I know but still makes for a funny mental image. But you're more than welcome, always appreciate you and your articles so very much. They are a light in the darkness.

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Aww! Thanks!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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It's the truth

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Wow, this was haunting and beautiful. It’s interesting to think about how just one little choice could change the whole course of your life…or someone else’s.

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Thank you so much! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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An ear worm I acquired after reading, I can’t get it out of my head so I hope you don’t mind if I share with you. ☺️


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I love that!! Thank you!!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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That was really cool. I love thinking about this stuff. Let's hope the other selves don't find a time machine and screw everything up. Of course a time machine sounds great for other reasons, but it IS complicated. It's probably best not to screw with it on an individual level. It is so good to think of those other nodes which led to other realities. Sometimes, maybe we feel those realities or we dream about them. They are with us, even though we are not within them. It sustains me sometimes, certain things that I used to have in my life, I no longer have. But yet, I do.

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Thanks! If there are infinitely many of them and even half of them are looking for a time machine, we're going to see some serious shit. 🤣💚

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That was breathtaking, beautiful, suspenseful, and I’m sure this is projection on my part, heartbreaking. Thank you! 💜

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Well, that might not be projection at all. ;)

Thank you, Margaret!! xoxo

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Trippy. Even without a bong.

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Wonderful story and what an elegant way to describe infinitely branching timelines, nodes. Each decision point can change things so much that our world looks completely different, just based on something as innocuous as choosing to turn right or turn left. Do you have other fiction posted on your 'stack?

As an aside, the node that the girl choose to write the letter created the a parallel set of infinite timlines where she did not write the letter, so in my opinion, even the version of her that found/made a timemachine AND wrote that letter, when she delivered it to that crucial node version of herself, did not change the outcome of the girl that burned her letter in the present. It created an new branch of potential infinite versions, based on the letter being delivered. I think that is the most beautiful part of all these infinite possibilities, it never really subtracts, only adds to the din.

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I used to write fiction often, but I hadn't in a while, and I was reminded of this piece, so I thought I'd post it. I think this is the first time I've published fiction on my stack. Glad you like it! Thanks!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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