Channeled Messages:
You have planted the seeds to manifest what you want, and you are waiting impatiently for the seeds that you planted to grow into what you have asked for. Whatever this was that you asked for - and only you will know - it comes to you after you’ve gone through a period of intense disappointment with which you finally became impatient. You’ve let go of something toxic, manipulative, and compromising, or many of you are about to do so.
You felt chained and like you were having to walk a tight rope just to function, and so you’ve made the decision to walk away. Whatever this was, it had to collapse in order to make room for what will make you happy, for what is most in alignment for you. You are in the process of cleaning house and releasing emotional baggage, eliminating the old in order to manifest a happy new beginning. So if you’re not to the point yet where you have this realignment you have asked for, just wait - it’s coming. From the look of these insane cards, whatever this is, it’s literally everything you’ve ever wanted.
You’re intensely and deeply devoted to and passionate about whoever or whatever this is you wanted to manifest - the Ace of Wands is showing up here twice - and the High Priestess, Page of Swords, and Four of Swords show you are keeping your mouth shut about it, intensely watching, strategizing, doing research, waiting, meditating, and biding your time so that you will know when to act by using your intuition.
You’re excited about this, even excited to be excited about something good happening after a period of major misalignment, and this excitement is compounding to bring you into alignment even faster. And the more aligned you are, the easier it is to manifest, so all of this works like a positive feedback loop that makes manifestation really easy for you.
In the midst of this period of realignment and renewal, the karmic wheel is turning in your favor to bring this to you. Whatever it is, it’s huge: You have the Ace of Cups here with the Ten of Pentacles and the Ten of Cups twice. This is ultimate wish fulfillment, and for many of you, it involves having a happy and healthy family or a lucrative and fulfilling business venture. Perhaps even both.
Many of these cards signify birth (this could be a child or a creative project), abundance, happiness beyond measure, and intense passion that comes after a time of feeling chained, stagnant, disappointed, and perhaps even depressed. Whatever this is that you have alchemized into being, trust the universe - it is on its way.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Tori Amos - Little Amsterdam
417 Hz 》Tibetan Temple Sounds to Remove Negative Energy from Home
14 - Symbol of Constant Changes
556 - Greatness Is The Option: Keep Learning New Things
1118 - A Powerful Comeback: Time To Heal
1831 - Work Smarter
5549 - Success Takes Time: Do Not Be In a Hurry to Succeed
6121 - Elevating Yourself Further: Taking Life to the Next Level
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Audioslave - I Am The Highway
Blonde Redhead - Melody of Certain Three
Boreta - Bubblin’ in the Cut
Brendan Benson - Metarie
The Cranberries - Linger
Muse - Uprising
Pearl Jam - Black
Pearl Jam - Immortality
Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt
Tasha Baxter - The Visitor (Chasing Shadows Remix)
Tori Amos - Way Down