Never Hang Your Sense of Identity On Being 'Right' or 'Wrong'
If you are intellectually active and honest, your constant commitment to learning will continuously reshape your understanding of the truth
After almost an entire lifetime of atheism, I was watching a video where a pertinent piece of information brought the entire framework of my beliefs into question. My response was not to dig my heels in and turn into a quivering mass of feels-Jell-O. It was more like, “Huh. I guess I had that wrong.” And I went about my business.
Oddly enough, OTHER PEOPLE had a more difficult time with the change in my beliefs than I did and began trying to reel me back into the fold.
I had no intention of going back to the way I thought before because I simply had new evidence that did not support my prior ideas.
Others were incensed with the change. Some took it as almost a personal affront, as though I had attacked their beliefs because I had changed my mind.
I wasn’t evangelizing my new thoughts. I was mostly keeping them to myself.
What they were upset about is that I was challenging their long held views of me.
If I could change, what else in their lives could change?
If they couldn’t set a watch by me anymore, what else might be malleable?
It spoke more to their discomfort with living in an uncertain world than it did my beliefs or their relationship to my beliefs at all. I wasn’t challenging them. I just wanted to be left alone to think my own thoughts and do my own thing.
This, however, did not fit the agenda of keep-all-things-from-changing-lest-I-experience-discomfort. My mere existence was an affront to their sensibilities. It didn’t have to be. But having an ego attachment to their own beliefs was clouding their judgment about mine.
Now, what happens when we’re talking about facts? Facts are not beliefs. Facts can be proven and disproven. Facts are not up for debate, unless they have been proven to be false, and then they are no longer facts.
This no-longer-facts thing is where it gets hairy - if you’re behind on the facts because you haven’t been exposed to new information, you are going to think that these ideas you thought were facts are irrefutable. And if that’s the case, you are going to be resistant to new facts that have superseded the old way of thinking.
What I do is a labor of love.
I love the truth.
I value my integrity.
I won't alter my relationship to what I understand to be the truth to suit someone else's narrative for my own personal gain.
That's never been me. If it were - well, I'm a trained filmmaker with a robust digital marketing background and I'd have sold out to Hollywood a million years ago.
I didn't. It's not my cup of tea.
In fact, when I saw everyone in Los Angeles turning into Borg, it was one of the many reasons I left and chose never to return. It's a good thing: Had I stayed, I'd be living in Gavin Newsom's WEF-Inspired Incredible Medical Tyrannical Dystopian Wonderland™️.
Identifying key differences here:
I got into research to attempt to keep my loved ones alive, even when they refused to fucking listen to me. And I still love them anyway.
I don’t give a fuck about being well-known or famous or whatever. I care about sharing my ideas and contributing to an ongoing conversation so that we can benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience.
I am not beholden to anyone.
I choose what I cover. My blog is reader-funded - and I don't allow the readers funding it to have a say in my content either.
I am unabashedly myself and that will never change. I say what I say. Deal with it.
I will always speak the truth, as I know it to be, to the best of my ability at that time, given what I know.
If what I know changes, you will be the first to know.
And if I'm doing my job right, what I know will always change and grow so I can help you find points of interest and navigate them a bit better.
I will always report what I hear from my guides accurately, genuinely, and without ego.
Tapping into expanded consciousness to bring back answers requires that you do not overlay what you see with your own interpretation of it. If you do that, you will likely be incorrect. In fact, the best teachers will always tell you that your ego will hinder your accuracy.
There is no reason to hang your ego and your identity on whether you were correct or incorrect - if you're doing life correctly, you are here to learn. Learning requires experience. It means taking in new information and adjusting your view.
Same with what I discover as a researcher - ego destroys the truth. And the truth can destroy the ego.
It seems the only impetus most people have to do any real research is to protect their egos from being bruised when they think - heaven forbid - they might be WRONG. (GASP!)
To that, I say: Who the fuck cares?
You are here to learn. You are not here to be right all the time.
This is no way to be.
And living inside a sack of adrenaline/cortisol soup is unhealthy for you anyway.
Let go of the need to be right. Embrace a desire for added accuracy over time that adjusts according to your understanding of the truth and has nothing to do with ego or personal gain whatsoever.
It is completely unnecessary and counterproductive to hang your identity on a narrative.
Our relationship to the truth is asymptotic, and we get closer and closer to defining the truth the more accurate information we allow ourselves to take in. The more discerning we are with experience, the more we grow, the more we can identify the plays and the tricks, the more we are able to stay mentally fluid, to pivot and adjust.
One of these tricks/plays is that we were all trained to ego identify with the heroes of our narratives so that even when they feed us disinformation, we will buy their stories whole hog without questioning them.
If your understanding of “science” is that it is “decided,” you will never learn anything new. If this is your view, you likely have never encountered suppression of technology or the fact that the general population is at least 100-1000 years behind on technological advances that are intentionally kept from public use. All of this is hidden in plain sight.
The reason for this most often given is “national security,” but nations are a ruse. It’s really a matter of globalist economic security concerns propped up around protecting the narratives behind a handful of old tricks and dupes that have been leveraged for over 100 years to keep you sick, stupid, and compliant while thinking you’re healthy, intelligent, and free.
It’s genius, actually. However nefarious, we need to give credit where credit is due. And if it were your monopoly, you’d likely attempt to protect it too. You’d be a dick, but you’d probably do it anyway.
My goal is not to think for you. Honestly, fuck that. I don't want that job. It's exhausting and it's not my responsibility. My job, as I have defined it, is to provide you with my research so that you can take it from there and think for yourselves.
As I have stated from day one, this is a publication for autodidacts. My work is not intended for parroters of the mainstream or the controlled opposition. It is not meant to be consumed by anyone who has an ego attachment to being correct.
If your choice is to refuse to read anything but headlines, my work won't help you.
My work goes very deep into research trenches where other people refuse to look. I'm not afraid of information that challenges my narratives - in fact, I seek out information that challenges my beliefs on purpose.
If you have bothered learning to read English, it’s a very useful skill. I suggest using it more often in lieu of being intellectually lazy and only taking in the bullet points that someone else presents to you.
That’s why I supply you with so much research. If you take the time to read it, it’s all here. It’s meant for you to digest and to do your own research picking up where I left off or to become inspired to take your own research in some entirely new direction.
That said, if you refuse to read, I cannot help you, I'm probably not for you, and you should go fend for yourself.
I'm well aware I am not everyone's cup of tea. No hard feelings.
However, if you’re an autodidact and ready to dig in - congratulations - you’ve come to the right place: Welcome to The Starfire Codes.