Awww! That's so kind of you! And I have absolutely no doubt that you'd be right where you are with or without me, but I love your writing, Stone, and I am more than happy to boost it to others whenever I can!! Thank YOU!! 🐸🥰
I've been going through "my Substack summer" posts for fun and I have to admit I'm impressed. This is the most engagement I've seen so far it's incredible!
Aww. Thanks! I do a weekly round up of what I am reading as a part of my usual posting schedule, so that is likely why. We all knew I was reading a lot but not even I knew I was reading this much. And it's only counting what I'm reading on Substack. I'm still reading elsewhere too. I'm wondering what my overall count would be then. Perhaps closer to half again seems right. Maybe like 25M words per 3 months. I never considered how much that is. It sure explains a lot. 🤣
25 M is insanely impressive I salute you! I’ll have to check those weekly roundups, I might read more without the effort of searching, thank you for that :)
17 million words read!! And that is just on Substack! Imagine if the statistics could include all the other sites we visit! Are you eyes sore? Mine are, and I have nowhere near the quantities you have achieved!
Not sore, no - but I was thinking the same thing! That's only what I've read on Substack! I wonder how much else I have read in the past three months!! 😳🤣
Do you know how big this made me smile? This big...
I've no doubt I'd not be where I am right now without your kind support, and I will always be grateful.
Thank you, fren 🐸🥰
Awww! That's so kind of you! And I have absolutely no doubt that you'd be right where you are with or without me, but I love your writing, Stone, and I am more than happy to boost it to others whenever I can!! Thank YOU!! 🐸🥰
Breaking news: You're on my most read list!
Thanks!! I'm honored!! <3
Yep, Demi's on mine too. Plus the Freedom Scale.
Thank you so much, Cameron!! :)
Of course! But I've missed reading all of your stuff these past weeks while I've been away.
You've been busy!! :)
Quite nearly 2.2 kilometres of notes scrolled! That's a lot of scroll even for the foremost scrollar!
It's quite a lot - you're right - even by Scroll standards! LOL! :)
Your reach is biblical. I can only hope to aspire.
I think maybe I read too much!! LOL!! :)
I've been going through "my Substack summer" posts for fun and I have to admit I'm impressed. This is the most engagement I've seen so far it's incredible!
Aww. Thanks! I do a weekly round up of what I am reading as a part of my usual posting schedule, so that is likely why. We all knew I was reading a lot but not even I knew I was reading this much. And it's only counting what I'm reading on Substack. I'm still reading elsewhere too. I'm wondering what my overall count would be then. Perhaps closer to half again seems right. Maybe like 25M words per 3 months. I never considered how much that is. It sure explains a lot. 🤣
25 M is insanely impressive I salute you! I’ll have to check those weekly roundups, I might read more without the effort of searching, thank you for that :)
Here's my table of contents so you can find whatever you want. :)
Holy Crap you read a LOT! 💩😀 Love you Demi! ♥️
LOL! Love you too!! 🤣🥰❤️🦋
You take speed reading to a new level! 😂
Posts read - you are like Johnny 5
Voracious! : )
17 million. Amazing!
I am honored to be among your reads 🙏😀
Of course!! I always try to catch everything you write!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫
You are an amazing reader and an amazing person.
Back atcha!! <3
17 million words read!! And that is just on Substack! Imagine if the statistics could include all the other sites we visit! Are you eyes sore? Mine are, and I have nowhere near the quantities you have achieved!
Not sore, no - but I was thinking the same thing! That's only what I've read on Substack! I wonder how much else I have read in the past three months!! 😳🤣
@substack Someone gives a trophy to this lady please. 🔥👏🏻
Thank you, but I will pass on the trophy. The information I acquire from all of you every day is reward enough!! :)
You’re a machine ! 😳
Aww! Thanks, Dee!! <3
Dang. This is cool, but it looks like it might only be available in the iPhone version right now.
I was able to access it from my desktop. Hope that helps!! :)
Very cool :-)
So much reading! You put mine to shame hahah
I always feel like I haven't read enough. Maybe I'm reading too much!! LOL!! :)
I thought my numbers were high until I saw yours hahah
So you're the new CEO?
If I were, I'd fire you for being jealous of my reading. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣