THE SCROLL: Monty Python and the "-Ism of the Week™"
Notes On Antiquitech, Resets, Drip Disclosure, The Future Of The Past, The Art Of Recording Live Music, Context, Meaning, Legal Capacity, Valuing The Feminine, Writer's Block, and Yacht Rock.
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None of these various thoughts that have emerged for me was long enough for its own dedicated piece, but I wanted to highlight each of them here, so I’ve collected them below….
Antiquitech, Resets, Drip Disclosure, and the Future of the Past
I believe that, when it’s safe to do so, those who remember and were chosen as the stewards of the old tech will show us all of the parts that we haven’t been able to reverse engineer, all of the pieces we’ve missed in our assessments.
That’s not just a happy hope. I have very strong reason to believe it. We are getting dripped this information intentionally to prepare us. Drip disclosure is a very effective tactic for permeating the zeitgeist without too much information all at once causing shock or inciting denial as a defense mechanism.
Until this is fully revealed, it’s our job to keep solving the puzzle and helping others who are interested to solve it. It was left here for us for a reason. If we can remember who we really are before we are forced to forget again, we win.
The Art of Recording Live Music
[In response to “Whoever’s bright idea it was to begin recording live music, should be forced to listen to only recorded live music for the rest of their life, or eternity, whichever is longer. We all know only the good die young. It sucks. It really sucks.” -
in Live Recorded Music Shouldn’t Exist: And Justice For Y’all.]You know, I make it a point in Pandora never to thumb up ANYTHING that was live recorded because then it’s all it sends me and most of it is so awful that it makes me climb the walls.
Just like mastering studio recording, there is an ART to recording live.
You have to really take the time to train your ear and learn the pick up patterns of the microphones and how to shield from too much additional ambient noise and how to capture or eliminate string sounds and how to control variables within the room and remember to record extra room tone just in case you have to cut something annoying out (like someone screaming) and replace it with the sound of the room because - yes - the room ITSELF has a SOUND!! It is not just dead air!! You’re not just recording the music - you’re recording the ambience too!!
You can see you’ve touched a nerve. I used to teach sound recording and post-production for film. Poor audio quality makes my skin crawl.
There are things that, once your eyes and ears are trained, you can’t unsee or unhear.
THIS is one of them.
Conversely, this is also something I LOVE so much about Jacqueline Rendell’s work - she pays so much attention to how she records and the way she designs sound. It’s a pleasure listening to hers. I tell her all the time because she deserves to hear it, especially coming from someone who has a hair trigger twitch. 🤣
Context and Meaning
[In response to “You never fail to almost melt my brain, but I love it. Nudging me near the limits of my understanding of social rhizomaticia. In contrast I notice how some pundits suggest focus on isolated areas like facts only, political parties, media, and etc. But your approach always has the whole being and whole society energy with its natural ways of evolving and learning versus propaganda (which is like mimicry of being organic). Thanks for all you do.” -
, restacking BREAKING NEWS: Biden’s Behavior Has Been Exactly The Same For The Past Five Years]I think context is being removed from discourse intentionally.
If we view the world holistically, we notice patterns.
If we are too busy on the 24-hour news cycle hamster wheel playing catch up on an endless fire hose of details with no derivation of meaning, we notice nothing.
At that point, we’re pretty much Dory the fish - no context, and everything has been memory holed.
If we want context, we need to do the work to create understanding ourselves.
Gratuitous Algorithmic Augury
I don’t need an algo for that.
I just need your Facebook feed.
Wait… did I say that out loud or just think it?!?!
Legal Capacity
This would mean that a world leader who would, in her legal opinion, not be able to pass a standard test in her office that he is of sound mind, is running one of the most powerful countries in the world with, hands down, the most access to the most military might.
If one would not be able to legally allow this person, not of sound mind, to even alter a will or a contract, how is this person supposed to handle a role as a world leader?
And if he literally cannot do it, who is doing it for him?
What is even more terrifying is that, by and large, the Americans in Helen’s thread seem not to understand or to be able to process what she is saying here….
You literally have a British attorney saying in this thread that the US President could not pass a standard capacity test she used to give routinely in her office.
He would be judged by that test as having zero capacity to make his own decisions.
If he can’t even write a will, if he would be deemed legally unfit by British standards to do even something as simple as that, how is he supposed to run a country?
He isn’t. He can’t.
And therefore, he doesn’t.
He doesn’t because he couldn’t possibly.
He is not capable of doing so. It is literally impossible.
Therefore, he is being managed. Puppeteered.
So, if he isn’t running the country… then who is?
And if Americans can’t understand this, God help us.
Legal Capacity II
It’s absolutely cult-like behavior.
The responses to Helen stating a simple fact - that there is legally provable cognitive decline here… to respond to that - to a statement from an attorney who used to do this professionally - with allegations of “conspiracy theory?”
For anyone who has any remote preservation of their own sanity under the current societal conditions, seeing this kind of behavior should be sending chills up your spine.
Monty Python and the “-Ism of the Week™”
That most on Substack are trying to [concoct some new/bring back some old] way of governing or conducting themselves according to whatever -Ism Of The Week™ they’ve [concocted/chosen to adhere to]… and then they Thunderdome each other over minutiae ad nauseam in Notes 24/7/365?
I opt out of that dance.
I just dig Monty Python.
And Rat’s memes. 🤣🤣🤣
Valuing the Feminine
[In response to Valuing the Feminine by
.]But….. I tend to think girl stuff is lame…. AND I’m a girl….. AND I exist…. AND I don’t carry myself like a man.
But I am more likely to choose a horror film over a romcom and I will only choose a romcom if the dialogue is fantastic. (Think The Princess Bride. That’s my kind of “romcom.” If you try to make me watch a real romcom, I will never let you pick the movie again.)
If my girl friends invite me to one of their gender segregated Tupperware party estrogen fiascos, while I do love my girl friends with my whole heart, I throw up in my mouth a little… and I make an excuse not to go. (They know. They invite me anyway just to include me. They’re kind when I decline. I just don’t want to.)
If people gender segregate at a party, I’ll end up going to find the guys after ten minutes because listening to conversations about whether or not babies are eating solid food yet makes me want to climb the walls… and there’s only so long I can talk about nail polish without feeling like I’d prefer an elective lobotomy.
I know other girls like this stuff. Or they find it relevant. And I don’t judge them for that. I want them to be who they are. But I don’t like talking about these topics or doing these things.
Here’s the thing: I don’t want to be forced to pretend that I like these girly things just because someone else has made the mistake of thinking that my interests make me somehow less feminine.
They don’t.
I’m feminine.
I just like what I like.
And it’s not… THAT.
I just want to be myself.
And I think any guy I would be into would be have to be completely comfortable being himself too.
Thanks! The biggest issue I tend to see is that people settle too quickly for incompatible partnerships and then grow to lament the match.
And that lamentation on one side, versus a lack of room to grow on the other (because either the couple’s personalities are not conducive to allowing each other space to grow in their own directions and change over time, or, when the match is bad enough, the tendency of either or both partners to box themselves into their own bad choices by doubling down on a sunk cost instead of cutting their losses and trying again), ends up completely poisoning the well and they grow to resent each other.
So, if these guys feel like they would lack compatibility with a girl who doesn’t share or care about their interests, or value their differences herself, opening them up to seeing non-matches as potential matches might solve the problem in the short term but create a bigger problem later on.
I would just be super careful of that.
Knowing yourself and what you actually want is literally the most important thing there is because then you can properly gauge compatibility from a place of knowing what true alignment looks like and your match is more likely to be successful. Taking the time to figure that out earlier on can alleviate future issues.
I refuse to make sense out of crazy. Giving someone some derogatory label because they prefer to be themselves instead of fitting into Clown World norms is crazy, and I refuse to lend their idiotic terminology any credence.
I agree. Also, rigid advice about how not to be yourself anymore because being yourself is somehow wrong. Relationships based on these tactics never work out. Eventually people default back to being themselves and the couple will implode from incompatibility - or one or both of them will feel duped and disgusted. It’s basically a bait and switch. It’s no way to treat people.
And yeah, I think it is… but it’s a lot of genres crammed into one movie and extremely well written. So, I’ll watch that one. But most of them I have no desire to watch.
Same. All of it. YES!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wish. Rewind to some modicum of sanity.
“The unspoken list of all which must not be mentioned feels like suffocation.” 🎯🎯🎯
I think this is at the crux of the issue, the expectation to be that which one isn’t in order to play along to receive that which one doesn’t want anyway, only to be told to pretend to want it.
I refuse to make sense out of crazy. When I see crazy, I opt out.
No, thanks. I’m somewhere else entirely. And I’m perfectly fine with that!! :)
No lies detected. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When The Universe Topples Your Tower, It’s Time To Build A Better Tower On Solid Ground
I find whenever I start out resistant to a change that I know needs to occur, it ends up beginning to happen anyway, and I am better off if I lean into the shift.
Then I can guide it somewhat.
If I continue to resist, that results in chaos. And the change still happens either way.
Might as well roll with it and keep the fallout to a dull roar. 🤣
Writer’s Block
Make tea.
Get out a pen and paper.
Yes, analog - no devices.
Go sit still by a window in the quiet.
And completely word vomit your brain onto the page.
Like all of it.
Purge your brain.
Puke it up.
No judging what comes out.
It’s vomit.
It all has to come out.
Write down every single thought-vom you have no matter what it is.
Just keep going.
By the end, not only will the writer’s block be gone, but you’ll know what was really bothering you in the first place.
It’s right there, in the thought-vom.
And whatever it is, it has nothing to do with writing.
It’s just some little piece of you that wanted your attention and a cup of tea.
Writer’s Block II
That sounds like a great cure for whatever that blank-page-anxiety thing is that people seem to get… write on a page that isn’t blank. Problem solved! 🤣
As weird as it is, whatever conditions we create mentally, it’s just as easily to ask ourselves if we have tried not being that way.
“I feel tired.”
“Have you tried NOT feeling tired?”
It’s either helpful as a reframe to jolt the mind out of the thought or it’s absurd and hilarious, and if you laugh, your mood changes and you’re more likely to find a solution anyway.
If I am uninspired in the moment, I usually just start channeling instead. But when I didn’t know I could channel, thought purging was my go to, and it always worked. :)
Writer’s Block III
WTAF Is Yacht Rock….?!
Me: <looks up song lyrics while writing a reading, sees comment, becomes seriously puzzled>
“‘Quintessential yacht rock’ song? What’s THAT?! Have I crossed into some other dimension where that’s a THING?! The slang never ends with you, does it, Gen Z?!?!”
<brief lamentation that I don’t have kids to explain this to me because I know that’s how the rest of you keep up with slang… you cheat by using your children as human Rosetta Stones… lamentation subsides, curiosity returns….>
“WTAF is a yacht rock song?!?!”
<searches for a list of “yacht rock bands,” almost snarfs, stifles giggles, writes to SFC divination team>
“I had no idea what yacht rock even is. Apparently, according to this list, it’s the preferred musical genre of the entire divination team…..”
DYING. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Special thanks to , , , Dynamic DV, , , , , , , Human Beeing, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Taoist Sage, and for inspiring these responses and the subsequent posts and conversations.
And thank you to everyone else who contributed to these conversations over the past few days!
The opening LLM generated graphic of the Ministry of Silly Walks featuring a triskelion three legged man as seen on the flags of Sicily and the isle of Man is exceptional. "Sorry I'm late but my walk has gotten rather more silly lately." Yes.
"I think context is being removed from discourse intentionally."
I like this line a lot, and the rest of the piece.