This amounts to solid advice: the need to stay in the now while adapting to an ever changing now while moving forward, expressing gratitude, etc. I wonder if this is at odds with the popular new agey notion that one needs to manifest one's goals by expressing them in very specific details? What happens when things don't quite work out? Do these become phantom timelines?

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If you've put a lot of energy and emotion into something that didn't end up coming to fruition, I would consider that a phantom timeline that you would need to reel your energy back in from, whether you are actively trying to manifest a new timeline or not. We are all doing this 100% of the time. Some are just more aware of it than others and attempt to wield it consciously through focus, intention, attention, thoughts, emotions, and actions.

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Back in 1970 obtained my first copy of the book "Be Here Now", by Baba Ramm Dass. 53 years later I still forget to "Be Here Now". It's a constant work in progress to stay in the present...at least for me it has worked out that way.

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Picturing 53 years of being wherever you were in the Not Now, which must have been more interesting to you at the moment. <3

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Very true. But I'm a Pisces with lots of Aquarius added into the mixture. It's bad enough being a drifty Pisces. But add in an altruistic air sign...just a mess. lol

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One mindfulness technique that works for me when I choose to engage it is to make my bed in the morning. Even at hotels which offer this service, I find that the process of taking off the bed covers and putting them back on in order does a great deal to focus my energy on the present task and that presence lasts through much of the day. It's one of those bits of wisdom recommended by a random stranger in an online discussion. Ironically, at the time of the discussion, I was sleeping in the back of a friend's van with only a down comforter for covering. But the idea stayed with me.

When plans I make don't work out, I am reminded that God makes much better plans than me. I believe that God loves us and wants us to be happy. And that there are worse timelines than the ones we're on lately. Which, when you consider events going back to, oh, say, 1910 when the financial underpinnings of the first world war were set down, and when you reflect that war (and the Boer war and Spanish American war that preceded it) has never really ended, you can feel a spiritual energy of sadness from some of those worse timelines. It helps me to count my blessings which are many. My cup runneth over.

God bless you, Demi, and thank you for your many helpful channelled messages. One day in a free country. Amen.

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Thank you so much, Jim! Sending my love! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Received and gratefully accepted. The same back at ya.

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Excellent read and outstanding tips. It just occurred to me, when reading your tips, that today is the FIRST day in a LONG time that I did not do my morning breathing sessions and a couple of other daily morning practices (prayer and other things). I became mired down in work on which I stupidly and willfully procrastinated. This choice resulted in my being up against a very hard deadline with only one article/story out of six completed.

I intensely thought about whether I should do my morning activities (takes about an hour total) because they are so life-changing for me, or skip them because I found myself in a mini-hell of my own making. I skipped my morning routine and I now believe that made everything even worse. Does that sound reasonable?

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Yes, it could have thrown you off. Are you able to do them now and use them to recenter?

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When I read "phantom timelines", I went directly to think about remote viewing. Edgar Cayce was one of the most famous authorities on the subject. No fake juju there. It's a fascinating study.

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In my most recent What I'm Watching, there's a video you will love... go to the talk with Joe McMoneagle. Long but so worth it.


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Divinely inspired in divine timing that truly resonates.. I am astounded and so very grateful for this reading. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Love this deep dive into Phantom Timelines! We absolutely co-create reality here in this Earth Realm, but that doesn't happen in the mind or the storyline of the future. It happens in the incremental choices of each present moment and requires that we ACTIVATE our Embodied Reception, listening with our Wholeness as we receive guidance from our internal compass. We create from the NOW. Rooted in our human bodies, spanning time and dimensions with our innate psychic energy, through the potency of our creative Essence.

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Thank you for the inspo to write it up!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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