Isn’t Bohemian Rhapsody about the Faust myth? He tries to kill himself and writes about it so people will hear what happened even though he’s really cryptic about it, and makes a bet or deal with the Devil, the Devil comes to try to take his soul, the angels and demons fight over his soul during the opera part. Faust lived in Bohemia back when that was a mostly German-speaking territory so that’s why it’s Bohemian. People making deals with the Devil is a common opera myth and also a common rock myth, it would make sense an opera-inspired rock song would be about Faust.

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It is! :)

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I did not know this, very interesting!

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The wind didn't stand a chance. It's just too perfect. I can hear the "zvip, zvip, zvip" from walking around in my k-ways now....

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Jan 13, 2024
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SO good!! I love how they’re all matchy-matchy too. 😉

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How can you pick a favorite? It builds until you're cry laughing. Well Done All! 👏👏👏

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Thanks, Deb! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 13, 2024
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Thanks for noticing. 😘

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Stone is right, tough choice. For me though,

My problem is I want to be spiritually evolved and beat people up too. 😂

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It's not the funniest one, but that "procrastinator's guide to project management" rang a bell. I guess I know what I need to work on (after the bass quits dropping & all the catnip wears off) !! 😹😹😹

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Por qué no los dos?! 🤣🤣🤣

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That would likely result in a hilariously vicious circle of "now what was it I was supposed to be working on next?", in between the various musical phase changes and catnip headspins 😹😹😹

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But... comedic GOLD. 🤣🤣🤣

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I have to say, I saved that one. So, it's my favorite. I love the simplicity of the cat with the name tag "cat" also. If that happened in real life, I would laugh my ass off.

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Whaaat? What choice? They’re all 🤣

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1. The night I lost control

2. Cloud hand-bird

3. I want spiritual enlightenment.. and beat people up

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Jan 14, 2024
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I have my suspicions, but I was reading these right before bed, so I didn't even realize this was both of you. A few are obvious, but you both have wide-ranging humor.

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The Dolores Umbridge as the ultimate villain that nobody can bring themselves to like or understand....and the “I know someone somewhere is wearing a mask in the shower”

All of them were quality...hard to choose. Thank you both for doing this 💙💫

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Thank you, Solarah! This was so much fun!! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Jan 13, 2024
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“Every time you laugh a reptilian starves!” 😂🤣

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The Poe Tell Tale Heart Christmas?😆

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"Vote for your favorite meme in the comments section!" With this batch? It's like Sophie's choice 😉

When you have a fine collection of memes, you will have those which make you think, those which inspire, and memes which raise your ire and stir your righteous anger. This collection has ALL of that, but ultimately... I went with the lulz.

"The wind never stood a chance" 😂😂😂

Well done, you two! 🫡

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Thank you, Stone! 🤣🤣🤣

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Jan 13, 2024
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It is way too hard to choose one. The spine made me actually laugh out loud for a sec. The meditator that wants to beat people up is me. But I’ve been chased by a different pitbull four times in 2 months so the Chicago pitbull hit home. (I guess that’s why memes are so funny though right). I’m going to pick the muddy lab cuz that is just precious

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The 'stars' have aligned here, and too much fun is in the forecast. Awesome.

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Thanks!! We had a blast doing this!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Awesome as always!

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Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Harry Potter on crack, Stephen Hawking (wink wink) and "brown sadness water!" Thanks for the chuckles!! :)))

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You're welcome! 🤣🤣🤣

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Plenty of memes here for everyone.

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I honestly couldn't pick 1 or even 3 favorites, but I'm ReStacking with 1 that came from 1 of my favorite movies...

Thank U for the laughs, and Demi u are so right- Very Necessary: as they say Laughter is the best medicine😁😁😁😂😂😂

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Thanks! 😂😂😂

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