Detoxing toxins helps the body. Chemotherapy is poison. It will only kill you faster. Radiation causes more cancers which continues the cycle of killing you like chemotherapy.

Shedding is real. Body is trying to heal by all mentioned. Acidity is a cause lf disease in the body. Dr Otto addresssed cancer in 1930's based on alkaline treatments. Others used light therapies on the body. Of course clean air water foods keep the body healthy. Injections bypass the defenses of the body. The gut is where health is maintained. Dr Wiley 1980's fought to have the FDA pass the Pure Food Act. Corporations back then were already buying up politicians and such example Coke Cola in early early 1900's. He lost a court case with Coke. He was a chemist by profession testing for contaminated foods. Spanish American war era where canned goods were sent to American Troops to Cuba. Since he was being ousted, Good HouseKeeping Magazine hired him to test products and write reviews until he passed in the early 1900's. FDA had established a chemistry department after they ousted Dr Wiley. Lots of confilict of interests for money. So learn true history and you will see the greed folks. Congress and Presidents have been bought for a very long time by money. Learn self care. God in Heaven provided what we need to eat and water. Make sure it is not corrupted with chemicals and toxins. Herbs,seeds,fruits,vegetables and certain meats. Basic.Instructions.Before.Leaving.Earth.

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Love the B.I.B.L.E. valediction.

A 4th Step promise from AA:

When the Spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically [and emotionally]. PS. It’s free!

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That was a heck of a meme dump. The one that really resonated was the santa claus one. The "too many people would have to be in on it" retort has to be in the top 5 of my most hated 'pre programmed' responses to conspiracy theories.

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Agreed. People are born "in on it." It's generational and cultural. :)

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I believed in viruses. I have heard the word since I was five. It was wallpaper to me. Hearing there are no viruses seemed absurd. But when I heard Mike Yeadon say ‘it is true we have never really isolated a virus’ I was stunned. 100 years and a trillion dollars in research and one has never been found? They don’t exist. Virology should be called Sasquatchology.

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Someone said ‘Come on William, your average doctors lab doesn’t have an electron microscope. Which is what you need. Doctors can’t find them because they don’t have the tools’. Such absurdity. ‘So no university can allocate a couple of hours a week to the biochemistry department to use the electron microscope?’

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Love every one of these! Fun to see Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey being “memed!”

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I was thinking the same thing when I saw those! Hahaha! <3

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It's actually given me an idea for my next post! We'll see if my idea works out.

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Let me know!! 💫💜🙏🏻

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Watch my stack next week. I publish on Tuesday.

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Excellent post. ⚘️💐🪻🌻🌸🪷🐝

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Admitting and actually believing in the possibility of being wrong is absolutely vital to retain mental health.

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Nice to be educated and expanded by your meme drops. Thanks Demi! It feels like a remedy for my subconscious and all those years of school.

It is sinking in that when I felt I got sick with COVID after being near the woman who just got vaccinated for Covid…

I was probably detoxing from the vaccine she got. I felt something weird as she spoke about it and I was checking into the hotel hoping I would not be asked for a proof of vaccination card.

It is strange to feel and know something and be surrounded by noise telling you that you and your intuition and experience are wrong. Nice to feel validated and less alone here.

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Thank you, Terra. Hearing someone who understands it is always such a breath of fresh air. It gives me hope. xoxo

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Best one yet! Brav-OH!!

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Thanks!! :)

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Worth it for the title and subtitle beneath it alone!

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Thanks Demi!!! 🙌

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This is in effect, the scientific method. And, we are hard wired to apply the scientific method! We are hardwired to learn as we go. Folks who hold to tight to a conclusion drawn activate a whirlpool. They circle around to old ideas. It’s a no growth model. Great meme dump. It’s fun to watch your ever evolving mind Demi. BTW I started a second substack. I’m too often asked for referrals for psychotherapy. My new stack will walk folks through Home Cooked Psychoanalysis, one path towards the liberation of consciousness. https://homecookedanalysis.substack.com/.

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After going through that post, I know nothing.

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