Hello Demi, interesting fireworks tonight… I'm not sure which side Biden and his vanishing Joint Chiefs, well the Joint Chiefs may know but he's hiding his key (hopefully not in O’bummer’s pocket), Biden who has to ask Jill which way is stage left… In any event, I've got a nice cozy place under one of the local mountains to stock for my …
Hello Demi, interesting fireworks tonight… I'm not sure which side Biden and his vanishing Joint Chiefs, well the Joint Chiefs may know but he's hiding his key (hopefully not in O’bummer’s pocket), Biden who has to ask Jill which way is stage left… In any event, I've got a nice cozy place under one of the local mountains to stock for my Mutts and nice to have some company to entertain if you care do drop in. In any event, lovely read thank you sweetie. Ok checking on figure a 50lb bag of rice and squirrels for the mutts. I do love getting out in the wild every once in a while. Remember travel light and don't forget a can opener;)
Hello Demi, interesting fireworks tonight… I'm not sure which side Biden and his vanishing Joint Chiefs, well the Joint Chiefs may know but he's hiding his key (hopefully not in O’bummer’s pocket), Biden who has to ask Jill which way is stage left… In any event, I've got a nice cozy place under one of the local mountains to stock for my Mutts and nice to have some company to entertain if you care do drop in. In any event, lovely read thank you sweetie. Ok checking on figure a 50lb bag of rice and squirrels for the mutts. I do love getting out in the wild every once in a while. Remember travel light and don't forget a can opener;)