These were so funny! The blessed and highly favored package I've been asking for instead of more trials and tribulations please, yes I know I'm blessed in the mess but it'd just be awesome if you gave me a good year, it's been a lot now, you've been driving that whole your going to have trials and tribulations drum for awhile now Jesus, play fair. Lol I really liked the synchronicities will continue until morale improves. Unpsyoppable lives matter.

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Thank you! And that last line needs to go into the next "sentences I never thought I'd hear." 🤣🤣🤣

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I got it from a meme. It's also inspired me to start calling someone I know who is a crazy making asshole Psyoppocles and now I'm onto Psyoppocles Assohicus son of Narcissicus. I want to hopefully do a funny modern myth. It was in Patrick's memes. I liked the Elon ones too. The captions that one can use for the willing guinea pig for nuerolink are endless. Pornstar consents to letting Elon eff her brain up, literally. 😁

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Psypopsicles. 🤣

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Amazing again...breaking my fast with nourishing laugh vitamins. Have a good day, my beautiful sister! ❤️

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My pleasure! Sending my love - and not the shit show kind! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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I love the Emilie Autumn quote. "You," he said, " are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain." Do you happen to know which of her works that is from? Thanks so much for the hilarious and moving memes.

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My pleasure! I believe it's from The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls. 🙏🏻💜💫

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Love that gas station sign, and a reboot would probably help in a big way. But honestly, I'm getting the feeling that "they" are fixing to do the "unplug part" without any plans for the "plug back in" part...

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The "plug back in" is likely some new unrecognizable version of society in which we are even more separated from our roots than we were from the last "reset." Each iteration of this "reset" stuff gives us more and more cultural amnesia. Everyone is expecting an apocalypse, but this is already the post-apocalypse, and we have since had subsequent man-made iterative mini apocalypses to keep us within a controllable range of development. We've "grown too much" so now we're being threatened with another cycle, another memory wipe, and further loss of any ground we've gained.

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Well said!! 🙌🙌🙌

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I think we might be happier if we can figure out how to plug back into a less technocratic way of living, but in a way that still provides a "decent" yet not excessive style of living. Most of us are not really into "excess" anyway. You are right about the human created mini-apocalypses, but I suspect Sol will get the ultimate say in the matter. So I guess we are just going to have to learn to "roll with it"....

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Love these❤️☺️ Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you!!

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Another amazing meme library!!! Thank you Demi. I used to have an IG account just because I loved memes so much 🤣

I have been on the gram for six months, and publicly in almost two years, and I’ve missed the memes!

Thank you to you and @Ratio Bradbornius for your meme posts 🙌🏾🙌🏾

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Thank you so much! I was posting them individually across my social accounts, but I prefer making stories, essays, and comic books out of them. 🤣🤣

Ratio and I are going to collab on one soon - that will be fun!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Memes are the new essays 😂🤣

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Yes! All of my meme drops are sort of like stream of consciousness comic books.

I love making these... but I usually do them live with other friends in comments sections on other platforms in a sort of Exquisite Corpse format. Kind of like an improvised rap battle but with memes and comedic timing. And it's fun. So I decided to do it here too, even if these are just me riffing and not in "battle mode."

@Ratio Bradbornius and I are going to collab on one soon. Looking forward to that! 🤣🙏🏻💜💫

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Great, looking forward to it. I coined the term "mind-fuckery" back in 2010. It all began with psychics messing around with occultism. Also started the He Man meme. My six year old daughter actually pointed it out and long story...anyways it's interesting to know the origins behind some of these memes. I'm not up to discuss much and not trying to toot my own horn, just that it's nice to see how it got blown up and to see the evolution of memes...

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Great way to giggle through the morning! Thank you

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You are so welcome! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Much needed, many thanks!

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My pleasure! 🙏🏻💜💫

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You can never go wrong reading Krishnamurti.

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Yes!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Choices, choices.. SOOOO much laughter that my abdomen hurts in a really good way!

Adore and concur with them all. My favs were the monkey calling God, Kermit and the media, and the mouse on a Covid wheel! 🤣🤣🤣

Infinite thanks to you Demi for laughter is indeed the best medicine 👊

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My pleasure!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Wow, you are so right. Same to you. Which way do we turn except to one another and God?

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Thanks for the meme-ories!

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Am I the only one reading the title to Mambo #5?

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Awesome memes are awesome.

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Thanks, Jim! 🙏🏻💜💫

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