I’m always amazed how my dog knows my husband is returning home five to ten minutes before he arrives. This means she can hear sounds about 10 miles away. Clearly dimensions exist outside the human realm.

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It’s true their hearing is extraordinary but I think their real super power is their heart. It explains their unique connections to humans. It explains their ability to anticipate returning family, feel emotional pain and joy, to be able to find their way back home regardless of the distance. We are blessed by their presence. I can understand why a soul might want to do time as a dog. It would be great heart learning.

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Man, I love how you put all of that. I couldn't agree more. There is something VERY special about dogs.

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Within about ten minutes of his return she becomes anxious and sits by the front door waiting for him. The same happens when I housesit a friends dog when they are away. She will sit by the back garage door waiting and making happy sounds! 🐶🤗💞

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That's such a crazy distance to already know!! 🤯

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In the country we measure distance by time. At about 10 minutes my husband is at least 10 miles to 15 miles away. The same with my friends who I often pet sit their labordoodle.

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I see the same thing with my dog. My daughter left work 3 miles away. Our dog went to the front door and sat waiting at that exact time. I watched it in real time on my phone. She gets off work at a different time everyday. So it’s not a daily routine that she has gotten used to.

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I live far out in the country so distance is measured by the amount of time it takes to leave town to our home. It’s about a 10 to 15 minute drive out here going about 65 miles an hour. So I know she hears at distances of at least 10 miles away.

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Wow. It has always amazed me how intuitive our dog is & so connected with each member of our family.

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It’s crazy! 🐩 🐕

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Had the same with my dog. I worked irregular hours at the time, but as soon as he went to the front door my Mama knew I was coming home.

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Wow!!! 🤯

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"Find the others." Gives me chills.

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It encourages me to know there are others like us. We are not alone. We have more in common than we realize. They want to keep us divided, but… United we stand.

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We are finding the others—it’s so encouraging that so many are looking! And we know each other even if we’ve never met.

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I have a vivid imagination but if someone had told me 50 years ago that the Republic would be on the verge of collapse due to the weight of democracy, I would have said they were nuts. Throw in a dementia addled old man as president and would have laughed. How times change

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If somebody told me that 50 years ago I would’ve thought he was a conspiracy theorist! Lol! Notice how all these conspiracy theories are coming true?

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It is my contention that dogs behavior is due to quantum entanglement. They “hear” your thoughts. Einsteins description of it… “spooky action at a distance”.

That always cracks me up. 😂

Thanks for another great one Demi! 💖

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Awesome meme drop! Everyone speaks volumes.

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So many good ones here! ❤️

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Every single one. Thank you.

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