Me too! I didn't comment on that one, but my son was a lil tiny guy watching and reading Richard Scary books and singing the little songs :) Ah, da babies.
I get it, but at some point the satire pauses and––>a seriousness change-of-pace called for (which, of course, you evident (don't think that's a verb?) in healthy measures in your work). The amount of material you do pump out is amazing. I need way more space between my "dead"lines (live-lines). Cheerio
You and @Ratio should do a thing together. I bet you'd have a blast! This was one, totally!
Oh my god my stomach hurts!!
Too many good ones to name favourites.
But the Richard Scarry gave me the most unexpected whiplash of nostalgia!! Instant time travel. 🥰
Me too! I didn't comment on that one, but my son was a lil tiny guy watching and reading Richard Scary books and singing the little songs :) Ah, da babies.
Thanks for the memes! Stole them for plaguing my friends with.
You're welcome! Steal away! 🤣🤣🤣
I am a piano playing racoon
It's good to have a solid sense of identity. 🤣
That's cute. You should put that on a shirt.
My first words, waking up to this: take me with you!!! 😂😂😂
Plato's new cave...Sinead O' the demon mutant alien parade...What more could you want*?
*–Besides Megajeff?
So much laughter to enjoy 👊
Third eye sleep 😴
Come outside to join those agonizing over their existence 😂
My fav was “Please don’t invite me to any functions. I’m not domesticated”
Me to a T and proud to be! 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks! 🤣🤣🤣
Very funny. Thank you.
Thanks!! 🙏🏻💜💫
"When someone asks you, what's your source".
The one about trying to be normal to avoid a schizophrenia diagnosis.....
I saved both of those. The first one would be great at the end of a post as a reference section.
The raccoon at 2 am :) Heeeeda cutey.
THE CATS! So real :) I love cats, but I wouldn't want more than two.(or one, really) Sakes, you could die. They are SO DEMANDING.
And the lady who fell. HAhahhaah. Make the most of it while you are down there, I guess.
I read it a couple of times and cackled each time.
I love the one with the bare feet just right by the scary guy.
I mean, you know you are tired when you are at that level.
Oh wow, great stuff!
I am going to steal from you. And that's the highest compliment I give.
Steal away!! And thank you - I am honored!! 🙏🏻💜💫
LOL! 😆
OMG! 😂😂😂😂 That Star Wars drop was SOOO wrong 😂😂😂 Fantastic, Demi - loved the 'Sleep Paralysis Demon' drops too! 😉
Thank you! 😂😂😂
So? you're trying to keep this up?
Keep this up? That's funny. This IS me. There's nothing to keep up. 🤣🤣🤣
I get it, but at some point the satire pauses and––>a seriousness change-of-pace called for (which, of course, you evident (don't think that's a verb?) in healthy measures in your work). The amount of material you do pump out is amazing. I need way more space between my "dead"lines (live-lines). Cheerio
How about this? Since I am me (and I don't remember asking for opinions on my work), I will worry about me. And you can worry about you. 🙏🏻💜💫
Why yes, I think I will conjure up a nice batch of "alchemical lemonade", maybe even blended with yesterday's "special mead" 🍹🍋🍄 🎆🧠💥🤯
Eight hours later, you'll be seeing ODIN!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Wont take that long - I make my shit strong 🤣🤣🤣
You're welcome, love! 🤣🤣🤣