Why Demi, surely you should know that is the half minstrel Tims and his trusty Asstafarian butt steed Milo. Known throughout the land for their saucy madrigals, their lack of direction, and that time the unfortunate Tims almost lobotomized himself with his finger, as our favorite butt steed crashed backwards into a tree.
Tims is known far and wide as Bad Pick Tims. It does lend him a wafer thin boost in manliness.
Why Demi, surely you should know that is the half minstrel Tims and his trusty Asstafarian butt steed Milo. Known throughout the land for their saucy madrigals, their lack of direction, and that time the unfortunate Tims almost lobotomized himself with his finger, as our favorite butt steed crashed backwards into a tree.
Tims is known far and wide as Bad Pick Tims. It does lend him a wafer thin boost in manliness.
That’s why I hate card games. The rules are stupid.
I want the purest coffee shoppe crop🍀
The perfect level of weird for my morning. 😂
I mean, it made a lot of sense to me.
I like that you find butt faces to be sensible.
Coffee Coffee Coffee!
"It's just, you know, my thing. Coffee, coffee, coffee!! It doesn't mean I was ordering three coffees...." 🤣
Exactly. It’s my thing too “coffee coffee coffee” I think it enhances the experience! <;~)
With morning coffee had, l just gotta sing, ‘Get outta my car …. 🎶🎶🎶’ from Jump in My Car, a 1975 song by Aussie rock band, Ted Mulry Gang 🤣🤣🙏😊
Love the opposition. Where / how do you come up with these? !!