Whenever an exact date is called out, it's usually bogus. I pay no attention to that.
Do I think a new attempt will be made to push the same situation over again at some point? Sure. They did it once. They'll try it again. The keyword is "try." We don't have to accept it, and if we don't, they can't do it.
Whenever an exact date is called out, it's usually bogus. I pay no attention to that.
Do I think a new attempt will be made to push the same situation over again at some point? Sure. They did it once. They'll try it again. The keyword is "try." We don't have to accept it, and if we don't, they can't do it.
Whenever an exact date is called out, it's usually bogus. I pay no attention to that.
Do I think a new attempt will be made to push the same situation over again at some point? Sure. They did it once. They'll try it again. The keyword is "try." We don't have to accept it, and if we don't, they can't do it.