Ancient Greeks loading the dishwasher is HILARIOUS! Such a brilliant juxtaposition of those statues with modern life. Of course they wouldn't know how to load a dishwasher! The idea is ludicrous! But throwing the dishes like they are discuses (disci?) reminds me of the scene of a newly poured sidewalk with a barrier in front of it, and the kids come along and jump over the barrier because they see it as an invitation to play, like a hurdle that's there to be leaped over, not as a warning to stay off! Ancient Greeks, not recognizing the purpose of a dishwasher, see it as a game to try to throw the discs into the slots. Guy about to throw not doing very well...guy leaning on fridge, you can tell what he's saying by his gesture! I can't stop laughing.

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How do you manage to out do your previous collections? Outstanding!

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Thank you! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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