Here's to the quarter-life crises, the midlife crises, and whatever other rock bottoms shake us out of our complacency.

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Absolutely!! We need the shake ups to clear out the debris so we can say goodbye to our broken premises and rebuild on solid ground. :)

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This is so real. You have to go to the mud to appreciate the cleanliness of the beauty of life. You must all sides of life as far as I am concerned.

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When you consider how much effort would go into sending a spaceship on an interstellar journey, you would expect that the civilisation that then develops a faster than light system would immediately send ships to those giant vessels plunging slower than light toward distant stars rather than just ignoring them. Niven and Heinlein approached this topic in some of their stories and novels. Only if one of the generation ships got "lost" due to unforeseen events and broken communications systems would it be likely to be bypassed. There's a really large amount of truly interesting stuff that goes into sending a starship 40 years at a tenth of lightspeed to get just as far as Proxima Centauri. But if your ship were lost in the void and travelled 3,000 years, assuming 10% of the speed of light, that would be 300 lightyears away that is definitely definitely the expression you would make. -grin-

To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause—there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life.

~ Hamlet, a tragedy about a Danish dude who finds out his mom slept around, written by some bard, maybe

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We try so hard to avoid the breaking, but only then can we break through and reclaim pieces of ourselves.

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I duct taped my work shoes today, so now the worn out soles stay secured. Fixed a broken handle on the back door well enough that it works. Dreams of severe and debilitating wounding. We certainly are going through something.

Best wishes to everyone else who does their very best.

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oooh weeee this one is extra good

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First off, I’m reading this from a camp in the mountains. That meme is spot on.

Second, the not having a body pharma can profit off of tied into my post today, *How to be hard to kill.*


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Ha! I'll check it out! :)

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These are really good !!

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As always, thank you for the extraordinary memes!

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OUTTA THE BALLPARK!!!!💥🥳😎How did you know I truly needed these today?!

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Thanks, Renee!! <3

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👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 NEEDED this drop today!!

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That’s not Marcus Aurelius

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Size perspective: Were you aware that all humanity's suffering and misery throughout time has occurred in a volume of space roughly equal to about (1/10^44)th the volume of the physical universe? (Spirits summoned by rings of yowling cats provide one with some curious realizations.)

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