Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

Government is organized crime.

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

OSHO is under appreciated. 5 minutes with OSHO is worth more than a year in “school”.

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

I am very aware of and attuned my shadow. I feed it my fuck sprouts and it gives me strength in return. It’s a vital part of my inter dimensional psychic nutrient cycle in the forest of my cosmic soul-mind.

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Oooh we need to take some notice of these unfortunate government realities 🤦‍♀️

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

Oh what lovely stuff.

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

"Is it cringe?" Yes! Cringe has become a portal to no self-censorship! Let yourself be as cringe as your social adjustment training has taught you NOT to be! You are on the right path when you can embrace this.

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

AWESOME collection, shout out to all the memes of an anti-gubment persuasion...stealing all of them. hehehe Thanks!

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LOL! No prob-llama!

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

But doesn't what currently exists have to sufficiently exist in order for there to be visionary thinking? (Quote from Son of the Psyopticon.)

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

The quote by Arno Gruen comes from a book, called “betrayal of the self” an excellent read, ahead of its time. Predict the destruction Wokeness will cause as well as the harm, the feminist movement would do to women.

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This is a compelling message which I have similar themes in writings and thought streams. Always a pleasure Starfire

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

Without suffering there is no change. Edenic paradise is the graveyard of humanity. The trick is finding the Golden Path that balances challenge with ability. That’s the path to endless adventure.

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

The Crinches of this world will read this, heartily agree and then immediately commence to crinch on, every dang chance they get...

Thanks Demi!! 🌸🫶

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How The Crinch Stole X-Holiday

And Ruined The Festivus Feast!

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Sep 3Liked by The Starfire Codes

What a fabulous word—PSYOPTICON. While the historical reference grounds this smack in the middle of craziness, I believe it can also refer to a person; similar to the word Decepticon.

The army of US Psyopticons says “…there is only one sheep, and WE are IT. Be the sheep 🐑 or suffer our righteous wrath.”


Behold, a clump of Psyopticons perusing Ozma of Oz for their latest inspirational narrative. Roving armies of small girls wielding sharpened bone knitting needles, who simultaneously stab people in both ears—of course, this could obviously be an organic development.

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Sep 4Liked by The Starfire Codes

It sounds like you just described the reaction of Artists to AI right now. Lots of shaming in that conversation while ignoring it’s one more step of technological progress.

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Agreed. It's always this way. "Anything which I don't understand is literally Satan." Sigh.

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Sep 4Liked by The Starfire Codes

Where to begin with the "inner work"?

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Usually shadow work and exploring the pain of the inner child, which tends to be at the root of most coping mechanisms, behaviors that worked for you as a child to survive but are no longer serving you as an adult. They served their purpose, and so they need to be thanked and then laid to rest in favor of behaviors that better suit the adult version of the self.

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