Author and editor for Street & Smith and later publishers of science fiction magazines John W. Campbell used to do a lot of essays about psi phenomena and about how the positions of the planets are actually predictive of weather. The latter topic, astrometeorology, was mostly taken up before my brother's subscription to Analog began in the late 1960s, so if that interests you, look for archives with issues prior to 1968.

One of Campbell's most compelling essays about psi phenomena described two events in the same building on different nights. During one event, there was a connexion and a change in everything that was perceived by the performers on stage and the audience. During the subsequent event the next night, there was no connexion. The performers got nothing from the audience. They were not inspired. Their performance was lackluster. Everyone left the building disappointed. But on the earlier night, everyone felt energised, felt connected, and felt much more alive. It was, of course, a musical performance. But the same thing has been reported at many live act theatrical performances, stage plays, and other events.

We still have stage and live act music because people feel energy flowing between the stage and the audience, through the audience, and also from the performers to one another, to members of the crew, and all over the place. One thing that I have no agreement with at all is the recording of live acts - it doesn't work for me because the energy is wrong. (It also rarely works because the acoustics are not understood by the recording people and they don't record the audience filled room when nobody is playing and they don't know how to mix mic inputs and and and...).

Everyone I know who has ever been in acting knows what I'm talking about. There is something not in the words, not in the visuals, an energy that is there between audience and performers on some nights, and is completely missing on other nights. We have words for it and we have traditions surrounding it.

I believe we are all connected to our souls through a dimension doorway into the spiritual realm. Our souls are not in our brains, nor in any other part of our bodies. Our souls are in heaven. You don't have a soul, you are a soul. Your soul has a body, and if all is well, your soul animates your body to do what you choose. Which means that you can, through your soul, communicate to other souls, even if they are not anywhere near you.

All things are possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

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“We still have stage and live act music because people feel energy flowing between the stage and the audience, through the audience, and also from the performers to one another, to members of the crew, and all over the place. One thing that I have no agreement with at all is the recording of live acts - it doesn't work for me because the energy is wrong. (It also rarely works because the acoustics are not understood by the recording people and they don't record the audience filled room when nobody is playing and they don't know how to mix mic inputs and and and...).”

We call this a “loop” and it’s important to create if you want a successful performance. And it doesn’t just happen, you have to make it happen. It’s an energy you create.

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I watched a video of Terrance Howard (actor) explaining how he literally invites spirits into himself using a mirror, before going on set, to let that energy transform him, and he gave a very compelling argument as to how effective this is for him. Makes me wonder where he gets some of his other, very insightful, ideas from. He owns a lot of genius level patents. Hmmm...

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Does the pussycat the Universe is sending life lessons to instead of money think money grows on cat trees?

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Mental health advice and ouija board (would love to know what recent events transpired)…. EPIC!

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what mckenna said

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Family enlightenment 😳😳😂😂

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Okay, read wikipedia. But be prepared to unlearn a lot of things after you do that, because wikipedia is a cia front for lies and distortions. (The "c" is silent so they dropped it from wikipedcia.)

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