You had me at socks traversing the time-space continuum and slayed me with Nobody Asked meme. The Russian version was my favorite. Too funny…

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I like the introductory meme, but I would add one of the socks saying, "Rest assured, someone will be searching for you." 😂

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I might have to become the “Wanksy” of our town. I’ll need about a million cases of penis colored paint.

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Nobody asked you.

(Texas Version.)

"I wasn't talking to you."

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That Russian response to Nobody asked you. 😂😂 All of them were gold though. Had to steal a few. 💕❤️

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The phone numbers 😂

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Just offer a bit of branching out from teleporting socks, I experience teleporting tools and things. I was fixing a bit of plumbing, turned around to set the wrench down, and when I turned back, just a few seconds later, important piece gone. Not the first time.

I used to try to explain it, but now I just shake my head-and buy extra parts.

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This was a plethora of premium memes, plenty to send on down the line!

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LMAO!!!! 😂😂

Thanks Demi!!!

I really needed the laughs!!!

Now I have to decide wich one to re- stack it with!! .. the struggle!! 😂😂🤗

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Or come back as a container’s lid.

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Just offer a bit of branching out from teleporting socks, I experience teleporting tools and things. I was fixing a bit of plumbing, turned around to set the wrench down, and when I turned back, just a few seconds later, important piece gone. Not the first time.

I used to try to explain it, but now I just shake my head-and buy extra parts.

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So many good ones! Can't decide which ones to steal, so I just stolt a bunch!

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LOL! 🤣

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is pure gold!! Lol!!!

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