Finally found this to share with you! Hopefully you will be able to watch the video 😊


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When I went to your schools?

I went to your Churches?

I went to your Institutional Learning Facilities?

So how can you say I’m crazy!!?

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The disrespect with you towards our esteemed establishment never ends! Listen- you are on a roll don’t stop dancing until the music stops!

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LOL! :)

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Taxation is Theft....I know 🤣

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Excellent collection 🤩👌

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Link movement one really hurts. Thought this so many times. Grew up on that and can’t help but feel like the link in me is what keeps me questioning. Clown world

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Just made this one up!

The difference between the Mexican drug cartel and the US Pharma cartel is the US one is more deadly!

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The Creature From Jekyll Island is the Horror story about 1913 Fed

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AwAke! Yes indeed

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"Before 1913 we kept all of our income..."

So what happened in 1913:

1) the ADL was created

2) the FBI was formed

3) the Federal Reserve Act was created

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Most excellent collection

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...i’m voting for a green trash can instead...

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Wow - we are AWAKE

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Great truths abound. A must-see collection.

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