One early morning, during my coffee/ciggi waking protocol, I flicked the cigarette butt from my balcony, watching it arc until it hit the grass with a tiny explosion of that moment time froze and I saw every blade of grass look at me questioningly, that perception expanded to every plant in that yard..uncountable souls in all their variable forms of life touched my heart with their presence and beingness. I apologised from within,..
To this day I never flick a butt mindlessly and consider that 99.99% of matter is space, but from that experience I notice encased within it, a living entity with consciousness relatable only by my heart. Quite life altering tbh. 🙏✨️❤️
No medicine involved during this time incase anyone wondered.
It's true that there are tens of thousands of more or less edible plants. American pokeberry has some parts that are edible when taken early in the growing season and prepared carefully, but is otherwise entirely poisonous. Acorns can be eaten when you've safely leached the toxic tannins from them. Untreated acorns ground into a powder can be used to shock poison a river of fish, if you want to have fish today. It goes on a while. We get a huge amount of food value from a small number of edible plants, and a lot less, or only after lots of work, from others. Going where the goods are easily got is a great human tradition. We also say "low hanging fruit." iykyk
The Kierkegaard meme was fantastic. When I think of our gubment these days I flash on the administration of useless GERBS ( Government Employee Rat Bastards), in Mars Attacks. Out of touch, out of control and completely out of ethics or morals.
When I was young, this kind of thing was typified by a simple question: Would you buy a used car from this person?
The fact that these same purposefully obtuse people will be the audience at the end of time makes me laugh. Yes, I am rather twisted, but in my own uniquely trenchant manner.
How to Feed Your Demons · Step 1: Find the Demon in Your Body · Step 2: Personify the Demon · Step 3: Become the Demon · Step 4: Feed the Demon and Meet the Ally.
By recognizing your demons, giving them form, and then feeding them, you can free yourself from the battle. And the paradigm shift from fighting to feeding demons can apply not only to your personal challenges but also to the challenges of the world at large.
Liberating humanity one dank meme at a time. Fighting against a trillion dollar propaganda machine. Salute!
One early morning, during my coffee/ciggi waking protocol, I flicked the cigarette butt from my balcony, watching it arc until it hit the grass with a tiny explosion of that moment time froze and I saw every blade of grass look at me questioningly, that perception expanded to every plant in that yard..uncountable souls in all their variable forms of life touched my heart with their presence and beingness. I apologised from within,..
To this day I never flick a butt mindlessly and consider that 99.99% of matter is space, but from that experience I notice encased within it, a living entity with consciousness relatable only by my heart. Quite life altering tbh. 🙏✨️❤️
No medicine involved during this time incase anyone wondered.
Cozy mode!
It's true that there are tens of thousands of more or less edible plants. American pokeberry has some parts that are edible when taken early in the growing season and prepared carefully, but is otherwise entirely poisonous. Acorns can be eaten when you've safely leached the toxic tannins from them. Untreated acorns ground into a powder can be used to shock poison a river of fish, if you want to have fish today. It goes on a while. We get a huge amount of food value from a small number of edible plants, and a lot less, or only after lots of work, from others. Going where the goods are easily got is a great human tradition. We also say "low hanging fruit." iykyk
The Kierkegaard meme was fantastic. When I think of our gubment these days I flash on the administration of useless GERBS ( Government Employee Rat Bastards), in Mars Attacks. Out of touch, out of control and completely out of ethics or morals.
When I was young, this kind of thing was typified by a simple question: Would you buy a used car from this person?
The fact that these same purposefully obtuse people will be the audience at the end of time makes me laugh. Yes, I am rather twisted, but in my own uniquely trenchant manner.
LOL. I'm tracking. That makes perfect sense to me. 🤣
Bravo 6 going cozy
How to Feed Your Demons · Step 1: Find the Demon in Your Body · Step 2: Personify the Demon · Step 3: Become the Demon · Step 4: Feed the Demon and Meet the Ally.
By recognizing your demons, giving them form, and then feeding them, you can free yourself from the battle. And the paradigm shift from fighting to feeding demons can apply not only to your personal challenges but also to the challenges of the world at large.
Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict
Mine like hugs and tea.
I love 'me seeing fluffy white clouds.' I had the same reaction the other day.
And I named my youngest Cassandra as 'the one who tells the future in a way it can be heard ... this time." Still waiting for the results.