Yes. They've Named It "Techno" and They're Dancing To It.
Hail to the Lemons!
That was my favorite too
Is Memelish a word? If not, I think is being invented right now. Wonderful new language.
I speak fluent Memelish for sure! 🤣🤣🤣
Yes Ma'am you do.
These make me so happy. What a fabulous service. You have my thanks. 🙂
I did the deaf one last year. I told one friend that the other one lip reads, as she's very proud & won't wear a hearing aid, & that she needs to really pronounce her words & talk slowly. It was bloody funny.
I'm SO going to Hell 😂
As always great memes, good for an evening of grinning and LOL
Eating the whole lemon to assert dominance was funny. :-)
Thanks, Elliot!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Hail to the Lemons!
That was my favorite too
Is Memelish a word? If not, I think is being invented right now. Wonderful new language.
I speak fluent Memelish for sure! 🤣🤣🤣
Yes Ma'am you do.
These make me so happy. What a fabulous service. You have my thanks. 🙂
I did the deaf one last year. I told one friend that the other one lip reads, as she's very proud & won't wear a hearing aid, & that she needs to really pronounce her words & talk slowly. It was bloody funny.
I'm SO going to Hell 😂
As always great memes, good for an evening of grinning and LOL
Eating the whole lemon to assert dominance was funny. :-)
Thanks, Elliot!! 🙏🏻💜💫