That was my brain before my experience of dying but it was not my death, it was the death of childlike wonder and the birth of an adult who now critically ponders what are the wonders around us.
Kinda duck one, allosaurus none, and ground monkey from the monkey grinder sounds like American jurisprudence. I often say that the wheels of justice grind slowly and turn people into a pulpy meat slurry.
The answer is always love. Need that reminder sometimes. Frequently these days.
Nice Eraserhead reference.
That was my brain before my experience of dying but it was not my death, it was the death of childlike wonder and the birth of an adult who now critically ponders what are the wonders around us.
Kinda duck one, allosaurus none, and ground monkey from the monkey grinder sounds like American jurisprudence. I often say that the wheels of justice grind slowly and turn people into a pulpy meat slurry.
Britney looks fugly