With regard to seeing people as they really are, not only as we are aware that they are capable of being, please look around you. Look at the nation state and the civilisation as they are, not as they look through rose-tinted glasses.

Many long years ago I began to tell people that the civilisation was a veneer of courtesy, goodness, decency, and positive intentions over a depth of barbarity, incivility, and ugliness. When you get to the edges of things, you see more of the veneer peeling away. When you get arrested, you see how people who "don't belong" are treated, and that tells you a great deal about how your government is really being run.

Also many years ago I began pointing out that this power being grabbed by the national government was dangerous to everyone, even though it was promised that it would only be directed outward, or only at the bad people doing bad things. The 1994 crime bill and the 1994 gun ban were cases in point. Things that had been legal just the year before were now restricted in many cases and many ways. But it is difficult to get comfortable people who believe themselves to be successful to oppose a system that is seeking their control and enslavement. Prosperous people don't rebel.

There was far too much power in the executive branch when I was a child growing up, and from time to time I would mention it in the context that if someone really wanted to be a tyrant they had an enormous number of privacy invasions, mass surveillance, and censorship tools at their disposal. These warnings fell on deaf ears nearly all the time.

But times have changed. Things have gotten worse in many ways. Tyranny is more overt now. Where before the cia, fbi, and military details associated with protecting the president conspired over 3 separate events in 3 different cities, with four shooter teams trained at each location, in order to murder JFK in 1963, this month it was just one guy and a counter-sniper team of secret service kept in standby mode while that shooter prepared his position and began taking his shots. Where before those in journalism like Dorothy Kilgallen who announced their intentions to expose the whole mess were only murdered after the fact, now the hoax stream press has been suborned almost entirely. Where before a warrant was needed for a wiretap, and illegal wiretaps happened only clandestinely and occasionally, since earlier this century all phone conversations, text messages, and in the clear emails are monitored all the time. Powerful tools for "fighting terrorism" and "fighting the war on drugs" are routinely being used to combat independence groups, freedom movements, and any and all reform of the political system. You have been living in a police state.

Your police state murders more of its citizens by police than any other country in the world. Your police state imprisons a higher percentage of the population of your country than does any other in the world, and despite having lower total population, the USA often has the highest number of imprisoned persons of any country in the world. The so-called "thirteenth amendment" allows for chattel slavery of anyone convicted of a crime, so far more things are felonies now than ever before, and your state legislators are well paid for their complicity. So are all the county, state, and federal judges. So are the police and sheriffs. They get a piece of the action when they conduct a civil asset forfeiture on the vehicle you drive through their county on the highway, or when they "discover" some contraband in your home with or without a warrant. You have to defend your property against piracy by the government because your property is always guilty according to the law and your property has no civil rights, no presumption of innocence.

None of these things have to be this way. Powerful people in the GOP and DNC want them this way and are massively wealthy because they protect their power and ordain your enslavement. You need to look at things as they really are.

"Let there be no more seeming. I would know the truth of things and the whole of it. God's will be done. Amen."

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good morning, my beautiful dopameme Queen! ✨

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Good morning, love!! ❤️

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The schism you mention started in the last century. Events in the second half were truly enormous in content and significance. There were power manipulations on a very high level which raised vibrations on Earth, resulting in a large part of this humanity needing to be reborn on a more suitable planet.

The New Age has been founded amid a turmoil of change, which could result in a world dictatorship for a period.

Refs. My book "Metaphysics and The New Age", and blogs on : kasselmain.com

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Love the human lighthouse 💜

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Love today’s collection! So much wisdom.

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Delicious line-up today — empowering!

Curious on RICHARD RPHAHLAWI’s numerical sequence after the written message — can you shed light on this Demi?

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