What a fine collection of Truths! It's uncanny how 99% of these memes are reminders of all I have learned in these last 76 years. Sharing.

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That Jim looks more ominous than I've ever seen him. Good one, lol.

Haha, I feel just like that girl who's poisoning herself. At least they said smoking would stop the Snake Venom, lol.

Just a Great list.

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LOL!! Thanks! 🤣🤣🤣

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Love it! Tx for putting all this together

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Really good Substack. Thanks 😊

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Thank you! :)

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It is comparitively easy to illustrate problems in science, which ostensibly is what medicine is-science, due to the rational, objective nature with an agreed upon method of measurement.

However, when it comes to areas that are far more subtle, even intuitive, the truth telling is fraught with issues. It is a genuine fact that authenticity is not a measurable in mathematical terms. Further, in fields subtle and intuitive, belief is irrational, not subject to persuasion or any form of evidence.

Then there is the fact that what is on face value dark, is often required for a synergistic development. The Mysteries for example, involved truly black practices, yet resulted in people who were adamantine.

At issue here is that only a thin veneer of the conditions of life are applicable to scientific reductionism. The vast majority are embraced by the subtle and intuitive.

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Jul 4
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Great post. Pax

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